Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Hey guys!

Now, I am a HUGE reader. I always have book in my purse, no matter what. Every free moment I have I'm reading. I fangirl books and authors the way some people fangirl (fanboy?) athletes or authors or musicians. So when I heard that two of my friends, Bianca and Faith, were having book giveaways on their blogs, I was super excited!
I know many of you who read this (basically my friends) are also big readers, so I thought I'd let you know!

Here are the links to enter- do it soon, because they're almost over!

Bianca's: http://nyxensadventure.blogspot.com/2010/09/nyxens-birthday-bash-giveaway.html

Faith's: http://machasebookreviews.blogspot.com/2010/09/tyger-tyger-giveaway.html

Enjoy, guys! And thanks!

Song of the Day: Saved- ALLCAPS
Currently Reading: City of Glass by Cassandra Clare