Saturday, December 31, 2011


I know it's been a while (a LONG while) since I've even attempted to write a blog post. I have a few partially-written posts saved in my drafts, long forgotten and neglected, but I've been EXTREMELY lazy when it comes to blogging. One of my New Year's resolutions, actually, is to get my act together where blogging and vlogging are concerned. But anyway, seeing as I am leaving for my ringing-in-the-new-year festivities soon, I should probably get to the point. Resolutions will come in the next post.
So. It's New Year's Eve. I'm off work, sitting in my pajamas watching CommunityChannel videos back to back, which pretty much sums up the past month or two of the year, and I remember that I need to write my annual end-of-the-year blog.
This year's list is a bit... nuts. There's a lot. Bear with me.

In 2011, I:
-reached the 2 decade mark in my life
-began my junior year in college
-changed my major again (art with a concentration in photography)
-went to LeakyCon and had one of the most amazing times of my life
-met several of the marauders and tons more of my online friends at LeakyCon
-went to Wizarding World of Harry Potter and cried with happiness (hush, you.)
-went back to Disney World
-met some of my favorite authors
-literally just (just at this moment) finished watching every single CommunityChannel video. An amazing accomplishment, I'm sure.
-finally saw Hank Green live!
-saw the last Harry Potter movie the day before its release, in the theatre full of huge Harry Potter fans, and cried my eyes out
-danced on stage at LeakyCon, making me feel more BA than I ever have
-Visited the largest McDonalds in the world
-saw Harry and the Potters live and had my first ever marauder meeting when I locked eyes with the Ali during "The Weapon"
-went on my first date (shut it.)
-got my first boyfriend (again, shut it.)
-got my first kiss
-went through my first breakup
-had, not my first, but my hardest heartbreak
-got through it, got over it, came out stronger
-finished my first ever song (lyrics and music)
-got into the Pottermore beta
-got sorted OFFICIALLY as a Ravenclaw!
-bought myself a legit camera
-finished NaNoWriMo for the second year in a row
-maintained my passion for writing
-hit 100 subscribers on Youtube (well, I'M proud of it.)
-saw my favorite musical, In the Heights, again and got to meet some of the cast
-met two more of the FiveAwesomeGirls (INCLUDING Hayley G. Hoover, and we all know how I feel about her), bringing my total to having met four of the five. Next up, Liane Graham!
-learned zumba
-decided I wanted to teach zumba and helped teach the class I was in
-got my first traffic ticket
-got my Jeep, whom I named Amy Pond and love to death
-moved into a new home
-gained several more family members and one soon-to-be stepmom
-finally watched all the Lord of the Rings movies during a one-day marathon with my best friend
-learned how to play Magic: the Gathering and got my own deck
-made countless memories that will stay with me forever

This is honestly all that I can think of right now, although I know there is so much more. This year has had more ups and downs than a roller coaster, and I can't definitively say whether or not I hope for another year like this. What I do know is that I learned so much this year, and that even the things that I lost and the low points I hit taught me things and made me stronger. And the good things, well, they were more than good. They were amazing. I can't wait for another year full of them.
My goal for 2012 is to make huge changes in my life. By the end of 2012, I want to be able to say that I did everything I could to get to where I wanted to go. No more sitting around waiting, which I did a lot of this year.
I hope you all achieved everything you wanted to in 2011 and that you do the same this coming year. I love you all and I can't imagine what my life would have been like without my family, my friends, and the good Lord watching over me.
God bless all of you and your new years. =)

Currently reading: The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis
Song of the Day: Set Fire to the Rain- Adele