Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 16: There's Been A Change In Me

Another lazy blog- I put all my energy into my super embarrassing vlog today.
And I'm trying to spice up my Youtube channel and think of a title and something to use for a layout and I'm coming up very blank. I wanted "I solemnly swear I am up to no good" for my title but it was too long, and I am crap at drawing so I don't know if I'll be able to design one for myself.
And I really need to clean my room and start packing for school but I can't bring myself to turn off Friends and get my butt off the couch.
In other news, I am determined to make a change in my life. I'm so tired of sitting back and wanting all these things in my life but not doing anything about it, and then being unhappy with various aspects of my life. I'm going to make my life the way I want it and find a way to do the things that will make me happy, and push fear and laziness and discouragement aside.
Things will change for me, if I have any say in it.
I refuse to be unhappy about things that I can change, and I'll find a way to be happy about the things I can't.
Life is short, and there are too many great things to miss out on because of waiting for them to come to me.
Adios, amigos.

Song of the Day: I Won't- Colbie Caillat

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