Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 23: Yet Again . . .

I hate to do this to you guys AGAIN, but I just fell asleep and then woke up and realized I hadn't written my blog, but I am so tired and really need to get back to sleep because I have to get up early.
However, there are a few things I want to quickly say.
I spent a lot of today re-reading Catching Fire (which does not get any less suspenseful or frightening or exciting after multiple reads, by the way) because tomorrow is the release day for MOCKINGJAY! If you haven't heard of it, Mockingjay is the third and final book in the Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. They're absolutely amazing books. I'm not going to explain them on here because I'm horrid at explaining things, and you probably won't want to read them if I do. To be fair, I didn't want to read them when I first heard what they were about, either. But I did and I fell in love with them. I'm so excited to read Mockingjay; I watched a Youtube video today of Suzanne Collins reading the first chapter and I'm not sure how much longer I can wait for the rest! However, I pre-ordered the book on Borders.com, and since it will probably ship tomorrow, I most likely won't have it for a few days. Very upsetting.
As well as being Mockinjay day, tomorrow is also John Green's birthday. If you're reading this and you don't know who John Green is, I would advise you to go to twitter.com/realjohngreen or, preferably, http://www.youtube.com/user/vlogbrothers and check him out. Besides being an amazing author, is is also made of awesome and plain hilarious. Go wish him a happy birthday.
Lastly, I woke up from my little (unintentional) nap to find this waiting for me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4L_cOyn2To
In case you're unaware of what that is (and you probably are), it is the beginning of the collab channel me and two other friends are starting called Broadway'sAngels! Emily posts on Mondays, I post on Wednesdays, and Michelle posts on Fridays. I didn't know that we were starting this week because we hadn't officially decided when to start, so finding a link to this video on my Twitter was a really pleasant surprise.
So that's it for tonight, I need to get (back) to bed!
Goodnight, lovies!

Song of the Day: We're on Fire- Armoured Bearcub
^In honor the release of Mockingjay and me re-reading Catching Fire

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