Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 31: Here's Lookin' at You, Kid

You all know what today is.
Today is August 31, 2010.
(Fun fact: I just typed 2009. It is August and I still am unsure of the year.)
This means that today is also the last day of BEDA.
It's a sad, sad day.
I still have to find a monologue so I don't really have a lot of time, but I will definitely keep blogging (not every day, but more often than before!) and I will also keep making videos as much as I can. I've had a lot of fun this month exploring blogging and vlogging and just putting myself out there. I've also enjoyed reading everyone else's blogs and comments and learning more about them! I can't wait for April to do this again. =)

Also, tomorrow is September 1st, which means . . . 2 months until NaNoWriMo! I'm sooo excited for it. I'm already trying to think of ideas for my novel. I will WIN this year! November also marks the anniversary of me becoming a Nerdfighter. I can not tell you how much this community means to me and how much fun I have had now that I've been part of it. I love everybody in Nerdfighteria and all the amazing people that I've met, and how accepting and helpful and caring everyone I've met has been.

Don't even get me started on the Harry Potter fandom. That's a rambling for another day.

So, I'm gonna stop procrastinating and actually find a monologue so I can memorize it by tomorrow night. I'll catch y'all on the flip side.

Song of the Day: Me and Milee- ALLCAPS
(Look at that! Two ALLCAPS songs in a row and not even on purpose!)

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