It's the end of the year again, everyone! The time of year when everyone makes top ten lists and creates new year's resolutions and buys party hats and alcohol in preparation for the big celebration that takes place in order to count down from sixty and watch a giant ball drop (a tradition that I still don't really understand but enjoy celebrating).
Anyway, it's also the time when people think back on what they've done the past year. Including me. Which is why I'm making a list some big things from this year of my life that I want to remember. Or maybe don't want to remember, but I'll include them anyway. I wrote one last year, which you can find on my other blog that's no longer in use if you really want. But you probably don't, so I will continue. =)
-Saw my favorite artist and my favorite band live
-Paid $90 for a concert ticket, the most I will EVER pay
-Saw In The Heights and Spring Awakening on stage, cried, got chills, and fell in love with each of them
-Got my driver's license
-Got my heart broken for the first time
-FINALLY read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
-Became obsessed with Harry Potter and became part of the fandom
-Started my own wizard rock band
-Saw my first wizard rock concert
-Met some of my role models
-Met two of the Five Awesome Girls
-Was in
-Met my first (and second) internet friend IRL
-Participated in my second Project for Awesome
-WON my first NaNoWriMo, leaving me with 50,000 of an actual novel
-Discovered a passion for writing
-Decided I want to be an author
-Participated in HPAFTW and made some amazing new friends that I talk to every day (I love you Marauders!)
-Lived my last year as a teenager
-Failed my first two classes EVER
-Went to a club for the first time
-Learned how to salsa dance
-Tried Chipotle for the first time and loved it
-Heard a family member sing on the radio
-Got bangs for the first time since fourth grade
-Made a video with my friends that was watched by one of my biggest role models
-Got Twitter-engaged ;)
-Met an actor who played a lead character on a show I used to watch all the time
-Learned what it's like to have less than five dollars to my name
-Watched friends and family travel abroad or across the country while I stayed home
-Made plans to GET OUT!
-Changed my major to something I've always wanted, and then decided I wanted something else even more
-Started making videos on Youtube
-Dressed up for a Harry Potter midnight release for the first time
-Started teaching myself to play guitar
-Went from actual depression to becoming more happy and proud and comfortable with myself than I ever have been
Thanks, 2010. You've been so good to me. I can't wait to see what 2011 has waiting, and I can't wait to do all the things I already have planned for it.
I hope 2010 treated all of you just as well, and I hope 2011 treats you even better. =)
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Learning How to Be Happy
I know it's been a while since I've posted, because I've been extremely lazy lately. I kept WANTING to post, but I didn't feel like with coming up with anything interesting to talk about. However, I'm feeling really good right now and I kind of wanted to share the feeling, especially with anyone who might be struggling with or going through the same thing that I have.
Lately, I've been feeling pretty bad about myself. I've been feeling really down on myself in a lot of ways. I felt like I wasn't good enough for anything, a problem that, up until recently, I haven't really had. At least, not to this extent. There was no one reason for these feelings, but I think one of the big contributing factors was loneliness.
As you might remember if you read my blog during BEDA, I had a post about how I had been feeling pretty lonely and upset. That feeling didn't go away. For the longest time, I believed that there must be a REASON why I'm lonely. If I feel lonely, it must be because people don't value me enough to make me feel otherwise. If a friend flakes on plans, it must be because I'm not interesting enough or enough fun to hang out with. If I don't have a boyfriend, it must be because I'm not attractive enough or cool enough or because I'm too awkward or unappealing.
Let me tell you, the best feeling in the world is finally realizing, and BELIEVING, that these things aren't true.
Beginning to believe that I'm not the inadequate person I thought I was did not require a change in the way I looked, a change in who I was, or a change in my relationship status. It just required a change of perspective.
Today, my best friend Sarah and I were talking. Both of us were feeling ESPECIALLY bad, dealing with these same feelings of inadequacy. I had just read a very good (very romantic) book, and for some reason, upon finishing it, I was depressed, lonely, and annoyed with myself. I felt like I would never have a relationship like the one in the book, and that was all I wanted. And on top of that, I was irritated with myself for feeling that way. I told Sarah about this and we had been venting back and forth about it to each other for a while, trying to figure out a way to fix it, when suddenly it came to me. We were upset because we were letting circumstances we had no control over determine our happiness. And then I asked myself why. Why is it that in order to feel like I matter, I need everyone to like me or be my best friend? Why is it that I feel like I need a guy in my life to make me feel valid? Why is it that I need everything to work out exactly the way I want it in order to be happy with my life?
Then I realized the answer: I don't.
Suddenly, I felt so much better about everything. For lack of a better, less clichéd phrase, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of me. And I felt excited. Happy.
So I texted Sarah back telling her exactly this. That I'm done letting ANYONE (or the lack of anyone, like certain friends or a boyfriend) make me unhappy. I'm done letting other people or circumstances determine my happiness, or make me feel unworthy or undeserving of being happy and confident and proud of who I am. Both of us decided that we are going to stop letting this kind of thing get to us. As long as we are happy with who we are, why do we need other people to make us feel good about ourselves?
If you don't like yourself, a million friends or thousands of Twitter followers or an attractive boyfriend or a ton of subscribers on Youtube aren't going to make happier with yourself. And if you do like yourself, it's not because you have any of those things, and you don't need those things to continue to be happy. So why worry about it? Why stress yourself out? Why let other people change the way you see yourself?
I can't think of a good enough reason why. So maybe there is no reason good enough. And that is what I'm going to keep in mind from now on.
And if you are struggling with this same problem, ask yourself that same question.
Think of the most beautiful person you know. If they didn't (or don't) have a boy/girlfriend to tell them how beautiful they are, would that make them ugly?
Think of the funniest person you know. If no one was there laughing at their jokes, would that make them any less funny?
Think of your favorite author, singer, actor, athlete, etc. If they didn't have fans admiring their work, would that make them any less talented?
Or the most intelligent or kind or genuine person you know. If people don't tell them how smart or nice they are, does that make them any less so?
Would these people be any different if they weren't always reassured about themselves? I don't see a single reason why they would be.
John and Hank Green wouldn't be any less giving and kind and caring without the nerdfighters. Hayley G. Hoover wouldn't be any less hilarious or intelligent without 41,717 Youtube subscribers. Maureen Johnson wouldn't be less funny or a worse writer without her 22,398 Twitter followers and 10 published novels. Charlie McDonnell wouldn't be any less adorable or awesome if he didn't have thousands of girls fangirling over his every move.
So really, who needs all that stuff? If you have it, congratulations. That's awesome and wonderful, because you've probably worked really hard to get it and if you have, you deserve it. But if you don't, so what? You're just as awesome and worthy of confidence and happiness as anyone who does. So cheer up and stop being so down on yourself! Trust me, it feels amazing.
Also, Marauders? I AM A PICKLE.
Currently reading: Charmed Thirds by Megan McCafferty.(But I JUST TODAY finished Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. It was fantastic, so I have to mention it.)
Song of the Day: Details in the Fabric- Jason Mraz ft. James Morrison
Lately, I've been feeling pretty bad about myself. I've been feeling really down on myself in a lot of ways. I felt like I wasn't good enough for anything, a problem that, up until recently, I haven't really had. At least, not to this extent. There was no one reason for these feelings, but I think one of the big contributing factors was loneliness.
As you might remember if you read my blog during BEDA, I had a post about how I had been feeling pretty lonely and upset. That feeling didn't go away. For the longest time, I believed that there must be a REASON why I'm lonely. If I feel lonely, it must be because people don't value me enough to make me feel otherwise. If a friend flakes on plans, it must be because I'm not interesting enough or enough fun to hang out with. If I don't have a boyfriend, it must be because I'm not attractive enough or cool enough or because I'm too awkward or unappealing.
Let me tell you, the best feeling in the world is finally realizing, and BELIEVING, that these things aren't true.
Beginning to believe that I'm not the inadequate person I thought I was did not require a change in the way I looked, a change in who I was, or a change in my relationship status. It just required a change of perspective.
Today, my best friend Sarah and I were talking. Both of us were feeling ESPECIALLY bad, dealing with these same feelings of inadequacy. I had just read a very good (very romantic) book, and for some reason, upon finishing it, I was depressed, lonely, and annoyed with myself. I felt like I would never have a relationship like the one in the book, and that was all I wanted. And on top of that, I was irritated with myself for feeling that way. I told Sarah about this and we had been venting back and forth about it to each other for a while, trying to figure out a way to fix it, when suddenly it came to me. We were upset because we were letting circumstances we had no control over determine our happiness. And then I asked myself why. Why is it that in order to feel like I matter, I need everyone to like me or be my best friend? Why is it that I feel like I need a guy in my life to make me feel valid? Why is it that I need everything to work out exactly the way I want it in order to be happy with my life?
Then I realized the answer: I don't.
Suddenly, I felt so much better about everything. For lack of a better, less clichéd phrase, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of me. And I felt excited. Happy.
So I texted Sarah back telling her exactly this. That I'm done letting ANYONE (or the lack of anyone, like certain friends or a boyfriend) make me unhappy. I'm done letting other people or circumstances determine my happiness, or make me feel unworthy or undeserving of being happy and confident and proud of who I am. Both of us decided that we are going to stop letting this kind of thing get to us. As long as we are happy with who we are, why do we need other people to make us feel good about ourselves?
If you don't like yourself, a million friends or thousands of Twitter followers or an attractive boyfriend or a ton of subscribers on Youtube aren't going to make happier with yourself. And if you do like yourself, it's not because you have any of those things, and you don't need those things to continue to be happy. So why worry about it? Why stress yourself out? Why let other people change the way you see yourself?
I can't think of a good enough reason why. So maybe there is no reason good enough. And that is what I'm going to keep in mind from now on.
And if you are struggling with this same problem, ask yourself that same question.
Think of the most beautiful person you know. If they didn't (or don't) have a boy/girlfriend to tell them how beautiful they are, would that make them ugly?
Think of the funniest person you know. If no one was there laughing at their jokes, would that make them any less funny?
Think of your favorite author, singer, actor, athlete, etc. If they didn't have fans admiring their work, would that make them any less talented?
Or the most intelligent or kind or genuine person you know. If people don't tell them how smart or nice they are, does that make them any less so?
Would these people be any different if they weren't always reassured about themselves? I don't see a single reason why they would be.
John and Hank Green wouldn't be any less giving and kind and caring without the nerdfighters. Hayley G. Hoover wouldn't be any less hilarious or intelligent without 41,717 Youtube subscribers. Maureen Johnson wouldn't be less funny or a worse writer without her 22,398 Twitter followers and 10 published novels. Charlie McDonnell wouldn't be any less adorable or awesome if he didn't have thousands of girls fangirling over his every move.
So really, who needs all that stuff? If you have it, congratulations. That's awesome and wonderful, because you've probably worked really hard to get it and if you have, you deserve it. But if you don't, so what? You're just as awesome and worthy of confidence and happiness as anyone who does. So cheer up and stop being so down on yourself! Trust me, it feels amazing.
Also, Marauders? I AM A PICKLE.
Currently reading: Charmed Thirds by Megan McCafferty.(But I JUST TODAY finished Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. It was fantastic, so I have to mention it.)
Song of the Day: Details in the Fabric- Jason Mraz ft. James Morrison
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Well, everyone, it's officially December 1st.
This means several things.
It means that there are only a few short weeks (which will undoubtedly feel like months) until Christmas.
It means that snow is soon to be covering the ground.
It means Starbucks is serving delicious Christmas flavored coffees.
It means that adorable Christmas lights and decorations and trees are being put up everywhere.
It means that Pomplamoose Christmas Hyundai commercials are being sprinkled throughout the breaks in your television shows.
It means that in 16 days, it will be time for Project for Awesome and spam-wowing countless Youtube charity videos while watching hilarious Youtubers talk to you for 48 hours straight and neglecting to study for your finals.
And this year, for the first in my life, it means that I am an official NaNoWriMo winner.
This novel that I have made a priority over sleep, hygiene, homework, life in general . . . it is now over 50,000 words long, leaving me feeling extremely accomplished and very unsure of what to do with all my time now that it's over.
Of course, my novel isn't finished, and it won't be finished for a while. But without a deadline like I had during November, and without the excuse to pull all-nighters and ignore everything I should be doing because I have to meet my word count goal, this novel is going to be much more difficult and much less crazy to write. Which is simultaneously good and bad.
Although I do really enjoy this novel, it was difficult enough during NaNoWriMo to find the motivation to write it. But it there's one thing I've learned about writing, it's that you can be completely bored with your novel one minute, and absolutely in love with it the next. And during the boring, exhausting parts, you just have to slog through and know that the excitement is waiting, ready to pounce on you at any moment. Same with anything you do. Nothing is fun all the time. But the really great things are worth the boring parts.
Now, if you'll excuse me, it's 4:30 am and I haven't slept much this past week.
Not that I'm tired. I just kind of feel obligated to sleep.
Song of the Day: Deck the Halls- Pomplamoose Version
Currently (re)reading: A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
This means several things.
It means that there are only a few short weeks (which will undoubtedly feel like months) until Christmas.
It means that snow is soon to be covering the ground.
It means Starbucks is serving delicious Christmas flavored coffees.
It means that adorable Christmas lights and decorations and trees are being put up everywhere.
It means that Pomplamoose Christmas Hyundai commercials are being sprinkled throughout the breaks in your television shows.
It means that in 16 days, it will be time for Project for Awesome and spam-wowing countless Youtube charity videos while watching hilarious Youtubers talk to you for 48 hours straight and neglecting to study for your finals.
And this year, for the first in my life, it means that I am an official NaNoWriMo winner.
This novel that I have made a priority over sleep, hygiene, homework, life in general . . . it is now over 50,000 words long, leaving me feeling extremely accomplished and very unsure of what to do with all my time now that it's over.
Of course, my novel isn't finished, and it won't be finished for a while. But without a deadline like I had during November, and without the excuse to pull all-nighters and ignore everything I should be doing because I have to meet my word count goal, this novel is going to be much more difficult and much less crazy to write. Which is simultaneously good and bad.
Although I do really enjoy this novel, it was difficult enough during NaNoWriMo to find the motivation to write it. But it there's one thing I've learned about writing, it's that you can be completely bored with your novel one minute, and absolutely in love with it the next. And during the boring, exhausting parts, you just have to slog through and know that the excitement is waiting, ready to pounce on you at any moment. Same with anything you do. Nothing is fun all the time. But the really great things are worth the boring parts.
Now, if you'll excuse me, it's 4:30 am and I haven't slept much this past week.
Not that I'm tired. I just kind of feel obligated to sleep.
Song of the Day: Deck the Halls- Pomplamoose Version
Currently (re)reading: A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
It Gets Better
Alright, here we go. I said I'd be giving you a blog post soon and considering what is going on all over internetland right now, I thought I would put my two cents in in my post.
I'm sure you've heard the heartbreaking story about the gay teens that recently committed suicide due to bullying. While we unfortunately can't get back the lives of these teens, we can prevent this tragedy from happening to other teens. That's what we are attempting to do now.
You may have heard of the "It Gets Better" campaign. Its purpose is to reassure LGBT teens that, despite hard times they might be going through, despite bullying they might be suffering through, despite discrimination and hate and pain, it DOES get better. Many people are making Youtube videos and posting blogs about their stories and how things got better for them. I, personally, don't have a story to share about it, but I do have opinions on the matter.
I am a strong Christian, and often, Christians have a bad reputation when it comes to homosexuality. There are Christians who spread around so much hate that people start to believe that Christianity is full of high-and-mighty people who hate gay people; that God hates gay people; that Christians believe that people who are gay are worth less than people who are straight.
Listen up. I am here to tell you that NONE of this is true.
Sure, there are Christians who believe all of this. But aren't their non-Christians who believe horrible things as well?
I was brought up in the church, and the one thing that was reiterated constantly was love.
"Love your neighbor as yourself." (Mark 12:31)
"Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs." (Proverbs 10:12)
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." (1 Corinthians 13:13)
And not only are we told to love each other, but we are told that "So God created man in his own image" (Genisis 1:27) and therefore, loves every single one of us equally, no matter what we do.
My favorite verse on the subject is Romans 8:38-39: "And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." How can you read this and believe that God hates anyone?
John 3:16, the very first Bible verse I ever remember learning by heart, tells us the God loves all of us so much, that He sent His son to save us for our sins. He didn't do this just for the righteous or the "sinless" (as if there is such a thing) or for the people that followed Him. He did this for every single person, and if we love and follow and accept Him, we will reap the benefits of it.
I know there is a lot of controversy about whether or not homosexuality is a sin, and I'm not getting into that in this post. But I am absolutely positive that one thing is true: gay or straight, black or white, religious or not, God loves you more than you can possibly comprehend. And He wants us to love every single person equally, the way He loves us all equally. Do you think He is pleased to see young people killing themselves because others are mercilessly bullying them? Do you think He is pleased to see people bullying others, period? I'm certain he isn't. No matter what someone has done wrong, God does not want us to treat that person with hate, but with love.
This post is simply to tell everyone that Christians are not hateful, whatever negative image we might have. Some Christians believe homosexuality is a sin and some don't, but either way, we are told to love everyone despite their sins, because who among us is free of sin? "Therefore you have no excuse, whoever you are, when you judge others; for in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, are doing the very same things." Romans 2:1
Also, here is the "It Gets Better" video that inspired this post.
Love to you all of you.
Song of the Day: Teenage Dream- BoyceAvenue cover
Currently reading: An Abundance of Katherines by John Green
I'm sure you've heard the heartbreaking story about the gay teens that recently committed suicide due to bullying. While we unfortunately can't get back the lives of these teens, we can prevent this tragedy from happening to other teens. That's what we are attempting to do now.
You may have heard of the "It Gets Better" campaign. Its purpose is to reassure LGBT teens that, despite hard times they might be going through, despite bullying they might be suffering through, despite discrimination and hate and pain, it DOES get better. Many people are making Youtube videos and posting blogs about their stories and how things got better for them. I, personally, don't have a story to share about it, but I do have opinions on the matter.
I am a strong Christian, and often, Christians have a bad reputation when it comes to homosexuality. There are Christians who spread around so much hate that people start to believe that Christianity is full of high-and-mighty people who hate gay people; that God hates gay people; that Christians believe that people who are gay are worth less than people who are straight.
Listen up. I am here to tell you that NONE of this is true.
Sure, there are Christians who believe all of this. But aren't their non-Christians who believe horrible things as well?
I was brought up in the church, and the one thing that was reiterated constantly was love.
"Love your neighbor as yourself." (Mark 12:31)
"Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs." (Proverbs 10:12)
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." (1 Corinthians 13:13)
And not only are we told to love each other, but we are told that "So God created man in his own image" (Genisis 1:27) and therefore, loves every single one of us equally, no matter what we do.
My favorite verse on the subject is Romans 8:38-39: "And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." How can you read this and believe that God hates anyone?
John 3:16, the very first Bible verse I ever remember learning by heart, tells us the God loves all of us so much, that He sent His son to save us for our sins. He didn't do this just for the righteous or the "sinless" (as if there is such a thing) or for the people that followed Him. He did this for every single person, and if we love and follow and accept Him, we will reap the benefits of it.
I know there is a lot of controversy about whether or not homosexuality is a sin, and I'm not getting into that in this post. But I am absolutely positive that one thing is true: gay or straight, black or white, religious or not, God loves you more than you can possibly comprehend. And He wants us to love every single person equally, the way He loves us all equally. Do you think He is pleased to see young people killing themselves because others are mercilessly bullying them? Do you think He is pleased to see people bullying others, period? I'm certain he isn't. No matter what someone has done wrong, God does not want us to treat that person with hate, but with love.
This post is simply to tell everyone that Christians are not hateful, whatever negative image we might have. Some Christians believe homosexuality is a sin and some don't, but either way, we are told to love everyone despite their sins, because who among us is free of sin? "Therefore you have no excuse, whoever you are, when you judge others; for in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, are doing the very same things." Romans 2:1
Also, here is the "It Gets Better" video that inspired this post.
Love to you all of you.
Song of the Day: Teenage Dream- BoyceAvenue cover
Currently reading: An Abundance of Katherines by John Green
Monday, October 18, 2010
More Book Giveways?
Yes! More book giveaways! Another giveaway is going on right on my friend Katie's blog, and this time it is for a book I REALLY want. I've been wanting to read this book since I finished The Mortal Instruments a few weeks ago, but haven't been able to afford to buy it, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this giveaway! If you want to read it, too, you should enter! Cassandra Clare is a fantastic author and knows how to keep you hooked better than almost anyone else. Do yourself a favor and head on over to and enter!
Back-to-normal blog post coming soon.
Enjoy, lovelies!
Song of the Day: Don't Blame Me- Mike Lombardo
Currently Reading: An Abundance of Katherines by John Green
Back-to-normal blog post coming soon.
Enjoy, lovelies!
Song of the Day: Don't Blame Me- Mike Lombardo
Currently Reading: An Abundance of Katherines by John Green
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Hey guys!
Now, I am a HUGE reader. I always have book in my purse, no matter what. Every free moment I have I'm reading. I fangirl books and authors the way some people fangirl (fanboy?) athletes or authors or musicians. So when I heard that two of my friends, Bianca and Faith, were having book giveaways on their blogs, I was super excited!
I know many of you who read this (basically my friends) are also big readers, so I thought I'd let you know!
Here are the links to enter- do it soon, because they're almost over!
Enjoy, guys! And thanks!
Song of the Day: Saved- ALLCAPS
Currently Reading: City of Glass by Cassandra Clare
Now, I am a HUGE reader. I always have book in my purse, no matter what. Every free moment I have I'm reading. I fangirl books and authors the way some people fangirl (fanboy?) athletes or authors or musicians. So when I heard that two of my friends, Bianca and Faith, were having book giveaways on their blogs, I was super excited!
I know many of you who read this (basically my friends) are also big readers, so I thought I'd let you know!
Here are the links to enter- do it soon, because they're almost over!
Enjoy, guys! And thanks!
Song of the Day: Saved- ALLCAPS
Currently Reading: City of Glass by Cassandra Clare
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Day 31: Here's Lookin' at You, Kid
You all know what today is.
Today is August 31, 2010.
(Fun fact: I just typed 2009. It is August and I still am unsure of the year.)
This means that today is also the last day of BEDA.
It's a sad, sad day.
I still have to find a monologue so I don't really have a lot of time, but I will definitely keep blogging (not every day, but more often than before!) and I will also keep making videos as much as I can. I've had a lot of fun this month exploring blogging and vlogging and just putting myself out there. I've also enjoyed reading everyone else's blogs and comments and learning more about them! I can't wait for April to do this again. =)
Also, tomorrow is September 1st, which means . . . 2 months until NaNoWriMo! I'm sooo excited for it. I'm already trying to think of ideas for my novel. I will WIN this year! November also marks the anniversary of me becoming a Nerdfighter. I can not tell you how much this community means to me and how much fun I have had now that I've been part of it. I love everybody in Nerdfighteria and all the amazing people that I've met, and how accepting and helpful and caring everyone I've met has been.
Don't even get me started on the Harry Potter fandom. That's a rambling for another day.
So, I'm gonna stop procrastinating and actually find a monologue so I can memorize it by tomorrow night. I'll catch y'all on the flip side.
Song of the Day: Me and Milee- ALLCAPS
(Look at that! Two ALLCAPS songs in a row and not even on purpose!)
Today is August 31, 2010.
(Fun fact: I just typed 2009. It is August and I still am unsure of the year.)
This means that today is also the last day of BEDA.
It's a sad, sad day.
I still have to find a monologue so I don't really have a lot of time, but I will definitely keep blogging (not every day, but more often than before!) and I will also keep making videos as much as I can. I've had a lot of fun this month exploring blogging and vlogging and just putting myself out there. I've also enjoyed reading everyone else's blogs and comments and learning more about them! I can't wait for April to do this again. =)
Also, tomorrow is September 1st, which means . . . 2 months until NaNoWriMo! I'm sooo excited for it. I'm already trying to think of ideas for my novel. I will WIN this year! November also marks the anniversary of me becoming a Nerdfighter. I can not tell you how much this community means to me and how much fun I have had now that I've been part of it. I love everybody in Nerdfighteria and all the amazing people that I've met, and how accepting and helpful and caring everyone I've met has been.
Don't even get me started on the Harry Potter fandom. That's a rambling for another day.
So, I'm gonna stop procrastinating and actually find a monologue so I can memorize it by tomorrow night. I'll catch y'all on the flip side.
Song of the Day: Me and Milee- ALLCAPS
(Look at that! Two ALLCAPS songs in a row and not even on purpose!)
Day 30: Procrastination
I am the kind of person that waits until the last possible second to do everything. As a result, I end up looking like this a lot:

For example, today I should have been going through this pile of plays for a monologue.

Instead, I was busy doing this.

All that coloring wore me out (obviously) and now I need to sleep, so I can get up early to find a monologue for my auditions on . . . Wednesday . . .
However, you can expect a BIG EXCITING PARTY BLOG tomorrow in honor of the last day of BEDA!
Stick around if you want to party!
*party blower solo*
Song of the Day: Your Song- ALLCAPS

For example, today I should have been going through this pile of plays for a monologue.
Instead, I was busy doing this.
All that coloring wore me out (obviously) and now I need to sleep, so I can get up early to find a monologue for my auditions on . . . Wednesday . . .
However, you can expect a BIG EXCITING PARTY BLOG tomorrow in honor of the last day of BEDA!
Stick around if you want to party!
*party blower solo*
Song of the Day: Your Song- ALLCAPS
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Day 29: A Good Day. And A Mockingjay Redemption.
I'm having a super good day today! I moved most of my stuff into my dorm, I've found out that I can get most of my books I need for classes from the library, and the rest I can rent for pretty cheap from the campus bookstore, and I'm getting a super good deal on a box set of the Hunger Games trilogy tomorrow. Life is good. =)
I can't write a long blog because I'm about to go work out and it's already late, but I had to put something up. =P
Also, I wanted to let you guys know that even though I hated Mockingjay while reading, and was so shaken up afterward that, while I liked it, I couldn't talk much about it at first, it's getting better. The more time that goes by, the more I like it. In fact, I ALREADY want to re-read the whole series again, and I just re-read the first two before I got Mockingjay. I think now that the initial shock and horror of the book has worn off, I'm starting to appreciate it even more. Just thought everyone might like to know. (Especially anyone I might have scared off with my blog post yesterday.)
Alright, off to work out while watching Chamber of Secrets.
Song of the Day: Wild Young Hearts- The Noisettes
I can't write a long blog because I'm about to go work out and it's already late, but I had to put something up. =P
Also, I wanted to let you guys know that even though I hated Mockingjay while reading, and was so shaken up afterward that, while I liked it, I couldn't talk much about it at first, it's getting better. The more time that goes by, the more I like it. In fact, I ALREADY want to re-read the whole series again, and I just re-read the first two before I got Mockingjay. I think now that the initial shock and horror of the book has worn off, I'm starting to appreciate it even more. Just thought everyone might like to know. (Especially anyone I might have scared off with my blog post yesterday.)
Alright, off to work out while watching Chamber of Secrets.
Song of the Day: Wild Young Hearts- The Noisettes
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Day 28: Working Through My (Spoiler-Free) Mockingjay Feelings
Since I'm going to be spending most of tonight packing like a maniac for move-in tomorrow, I think I'll write my blog now.
What I want to do is write about Mockingjay, as I've just finished it about an hour ago. But the thing is, I can't. I can't even form words or coherent thoughts about the book right now. I'm still so much in . . . shock, I guess. It affected me very powerfully and I'm not sure exactly why, although I've been trying to form theories. However, since I can't really express my thoughts and feelings about it, I thought I'd link you to someone who shares almost my exact feelings, and did a much better job than me of putting them into words.
Here's Kristina Horner's blog post about Mockingjay:
And here's the comment I left her on that post, which is pretty much the best the I could get out of me right now.
"You've pretty much just summed up almost all of my feelings about this book. I've just finished it too, and about halfway through I had to put it down and wasn't sure I could finish. I'm not sure why it affected me SO violently, but I spent at least half the book sobbing and the other half kind of in a half-reality; kind of numb, as you said. I'm still not fully here. It was only after I finished that I could really appreciate it, because while I was reading, it was just too difficult. I'm glad that you were able to put your feelings into words, because they're very similar to mine and I just couldn't get the words out."
Now, if you haven't read Mockingjay, I'm not going to spoil anything for you. What I will say is what I hoped someone would say to me the entire time I was reading, and what terrified me that no one said: Keep going. If you start it and it's hard to get through and you want to stop the way that I did (I know many people may have felt this way, although I'm not sure if anyone else had the incredibly insane reaction I had), don't give up. Even if it's hard, it's more rewarding to finish. You'll want to finish, or else you'll end at the bad and the difficult and won't get the resolution. The closure. (I hate that word and everything it implies, but I'm honestly not in any place to think of a better one right now.) The little bit of peace that keeps me now from sobbing again at the horrible things I felt while reading. The epilogue is honestly the one thing that fixed the book for me. Had it not been for the epilogue (and, honestly, the last chapter), I don't think I'd ever be able to read it again. I needed that ending to be able to appreciate the book. And if you don't finish and get to the ending, then you'll just be left with everything you couldn't handle about the book as your last memories of it, like I almost was, because no one made me feel like I would be alright if I finished. Everyone was highly secretive about what happened and if it ended well or not, which I appreciated, but not having anyone directly tell me "You need to finish it. You'll regret it if you don't" terrified me. It made me almost feel as if I SHOULD stop right there, because I wouldn't be able to handle the ending. Not hearing "It's going to be okay" made me feel as if it wouldn't. However, I kept reading, and although the ending (well, the whole book) was difficult, I'm glad I didn't stop.
When I was in the third chapter, I texted my friend Taylor saying that I hated the book so far because it was depressing. His response was that it was honest, and that was what was most important. When he said that, I couldn't have cared less about honesty- I wanted my happy ending. I wanted the excitement, the romance, the gripping suspense I had in the first two books and I didn't care what was honest, what was real or not real.
But now that I've finished, I've realized he was right. It may not have been at all like the first two books, but it had something the first two didn't: honesty, just as Taylor said. I felt that in this book, Suzanne Collins didn't concern herself with what people wanted to hear or what would make a good story or whether Katniss ended up with Gale or Peeta or nobody at all. She simply told the story truthfully. And while that made it extremely painful for me to read, it also makes me appreciate it a bit more now that I'm done.
I do have to say that I preferred the first two, I think because a lot of things in this one were so hard for me to bear. But this book was nothing short of amazing and honest and well-written and a fantastic end to the trilogy.
And also, I said I wasn't going to write about Mockingjay but I guess once I started, it all came spilling out.
So sorry for the super long post, but I guess I had some things I really needed to get out.
Song of the Day: Don't Let Your Enemies Become Friends- The Spill Canvas
What I want to do is write about Mockingjay, as I've just finished it about an hour ago. But the thing is, I can't. I can't even form words or coherent thoughts about the book right now. I'm still so much in . . . shock, I guess. It affected me very powerfully and I'm not sure exactly why, although I've been trying to form theories. However, since I can't really express my thoughts and feelings about it, I thought I'd link you to someone who shares almost my exact feelings, and did a much better job than me of putting them into words.
Here's Kristina Horner's blog post about Mockingjay:
And here's the comment I left her on that post, which is pretty much the best the I could get out of me right now.
"You've pretty much just summed up almost all of my feelings about this book. I've just finished it too, and about halfway through I had to put it down and wasn't sure I could finish. I'm not sure why it affected me SO violently, but I spent at least half the book sobbing and the other half kind of in a half-reality; kind of numb, as you said. I'm still not fully here. It was only after I finished that I could really appreciate it, because while I was reading, it was just too difficult. I'm glad that you were able to put your feelings into words, because they're very similar to mine and I just couldn't get the words out."
Now, if you haven't read Mockingjay, I'm not going to spoil anything for you. What I will say is what I hoped someone would say to me the entire time I was reading, and what terrified me that no one said: Keep going. If you start it and it's hard to get through and you want to stop the way that I did (I know many people may have felt this way, although I'm not sure if anyone else had the incredibly insane reaction I had), don't give up. Even if it's hard, it's more rewarding to finish. You'll want to finish, or else you'll end at the bad and the difficult and won't get the resolution. The closure. (I hate that word and everything it implies, but I'm honestly not in any place to think of a better one right now.) The little bit of peace that keeps me now from sobbing again at the horrible things I felt while reading. The epilogue is honestly the one thing that fixed the book for me. Had it not been for the epilogue (and, honestly, the last chapter), I don't think I'd ever be able to read it again. I needed that ending to be able to appreciate the book. And if you don't finish and get to the ending, then you'll just be left with everything you couldn't handle about the book as your last memories of it, like I almost was, because no one made me feel like I would be alright if I finished. Everyone was highly secretive about what happened and if it ended well or not, which I appreciated, but not having anyone directly tell me "You need to finish it. You'll regret it if you don't" terrified me. It made me almost feel as if I SHOULD stop right there, because I wouldn't be able to handle the ending. Not hearing "It's going to be okay" made me feel as if it wouldn't. However, I kept reading, and although the ending (well, the whole book) was difficult, I'm glad I didn't stop.
When I was in the third chapter, I texted my friend Taylor saying that I hated the book so far because it was depressing. His response was that it was honest, and that was what was most important. When he said that, I couldn't have cared less about honesty- I wanted my happy ending. I wanted the excitement, the romance, the gripping suspense I had in the first two books and I didn't care what was honest, what was real or not real.
But now that I've finished, I've realized he was right. It may not have been at all like the first two books, but it had something the first two didn't: honesty, just as Taylor said. I felt that in this book, Suzanne Collins didn't concern herself with what people wanted to hear or what would make a good story or whether Katniss ended up with Gale or Peeta or nobody at all. She simply told the story truthfully. And while that made it extremely painful for me to read, it also makes me appreciate it a bit more now that I'm done.
I do have to say that I preferred the first two, I think because a lot of things in this one were so hard for me to bear. But this book was nothing short of amazing and honest and well-written and a fantastic end to the trilogy.
And also, I said I wasn't going to write about Mockingjay but I guess once I started, it all came spilling out.
So sorry for the super long post, but I guess I had some things I really needed to get out.
Song of the Day: Don't Let Your Enemies Become Friends- The Spill Canvas
Friday, August 27, 2010
Day 27: Feelings Show
I just noticed how many of my blog post titles are song lyrics. Huh.
So today, I'm gonna do something I don't usually do, and something I'm a bit unsure about, which is share my personal feelings to the internet. (Nothing personal in the where-I-live how-to-find-me kind of way, but personal in the telling-you-how-I-actually-feel kind of way.) It's scary for me, because I don't like to share these kinds of feelings for a few reasons.
1. People start to think you're saying them because you want attention, or you want people to feel bad for you, or you want people to tell you you're wrong.
This is not the purpose of this post, I promise you.
2. People get uncomfortable about the personal and serious mood of the blog.
If you don't want to read it because it makes you uncomfortable, by all means, don't. I just need to get my feelings out.
3. Other reasons I don't feel like listing.
So, here it goes.
Lately, I've been feeling pretty lonely. Like I'm not important enough or don't really matter enough, like my friends and family don't care about me as much as I do them, like everyone puts other people- their other friends, their boyfriends/girlfriends, etc.- before me all the time.
Just to clear things up, I am NOT saying that I should be the most important person to anybody.
It's just that lately, sometimes it seems like I am the LEAST important person to everybody. And it really makes me feel lonely sometimes. A lot more lately than ever.
I don't know what it is, how it came about, exactly when it started, or how long it's going to stay. But what I do know is that it's a really sucky, awful feeling.
I think I've cried more this week, out of sheer loneliness and feelings of worthlessness, than I usually do in a month.
To clear up another thing, I am not depressed. I promise. I'm happy a lot of the time.
It's just that when these thoughts and feelings DO sneak up on me, they're strong and powerful and quick, and they really hurt.
I don't much know how to fix them or how to negate them. It doesn't matter how many times people tell me it's not true, or that I am important, or that I'm overreacting, because deep down, I know they're right. I know I'm not worthless, I know I'm not unimportant to everyone. But that doesn't make the feelings go away when something's happened that makes me feel like I am. Knowing it's not true only does goes so far, it's BELIEVING all the time that it's not true that I need to learn to do. And I don't know how.
I guess it's really hard to explain correctly. I don't know if anyone will truly understand this unless they are going through it too, or have gone through it before.
I guess I've just got to wait it out, keep praying about it. Maybe it's just a phase. I'm not sure. But if anyone else has dealt with this before and knows how to make it go away, I'd appreciate some tips, if you have them.
Sorry for the serious, sad blog. I'll try to make tomorrow's funny.
(Although, I've inherited my father's sense of humor, so we'll see how that goes.)
Song of the Day: I'll Be There For You- The Rembrandts
So today, I'm gonna do something I don't usually do, and something I'm a bit unsure about, which is share my personal feelings to the internet. (Nothing personal in the where-I-live how-to-find-me kind of way, but personal in the telling-you-how-I-actually-feel kind of way.) It's scary for me, because I don't like to share these kinds of feelings for a few reasons.
1. People start to think you're saying them because you want attention, or you want people to feel bad for you, or you want people to tell you you're wrong.
This is not the purpose of this post, I promise you.
2. People get uncomfortable about the personal and serious mood of the blog.
If you don't want to read it because it makes you uncomfortable, by all means, don't. I just need to get my feelings out.
3. Other reasons I don't feel like listing.
So, here it goes.
Lately, I've been feeling pretty lonely. Like I'm not important enough or don't really matter enough, like my friends and family don't care about me as much as I do them, like everyone puts other people- their other friends, their boyfriends/girlfriends, etc.- before me all the time.
Just to clear things up, I am NOT saying that I should be the most important person to anybody.
It's just that lately, sometimes it seems like I am the LEAST important person to everybody. And it really makes me feel lonely sometimes. A lot more lately than ever.
I don't know what it is, how it came about, exactly when it started, or how long it's going to stay. But what I do know is that it's a really sucky, awful feeling.
I think I've cried more this week, out of sheer loneliness and feelings of worthlessness, than I usually do in a month.
To clear up another thing, I am not depressed. I promise. I'm happy a lot of the time.
It's just that when these thoughts and feelings DO sneak up on me, they're strong and powerful and quick, and they really hurt.
I don't much know how to fix them or how to negate them. It doesn't matter how many times people tell me it's not true, or that I am important, or that I'm overreacting, because deep down, I know they're right. I know I'm not worthless, I know I'm not unimportant to everyone. But that doesn't make the feelings go away when something's happened that makes me feel like I am. Knowing it's not true only does goes so far, it's BELIEVING all the time that it's not true that I need to learn to do. And I don't know how.
I guess it's really hard to explain correctly. I don't know if anyone will truly understand this unless they are going through it too, or have gone through it before.
I guess I've just got to wait it out, keep praying about it. Maybe it's just a phase. I'm not sure. But if anyone else has dealt with this before and knows how to make it go away, I'd appreciate some tips, if you have them.
Sorry for the serious, sad blog. I'll try to make tomorrow's funny.
(Although, I've inherited my father's sense of humor, so we'll see how that goes.)
Song of the Day: I'll Be There For You- The Rembrandts
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Day 25: Wow. Today.
Well, today has been interesting. I had to cover a shift for a girl at work, which turned out to be a hundred small blessings camouflaged with SUCK, because I hate my job at had to wake up at 7, but the first half of my shift passed by pretty quickly, I got to watch the sunrise and go to a bagel shop that always closes early, and most of the breakfast orders (I never do breakfast so when the orders got tricky today I freaked out a bit) turned out to be really easy ones.
And I started having quite a bad day and feeling really bad about myself and kind of neglected and unloved and it seems lately that I've been really easily forgotten about by a lot of people. (I know, I know. But we all go through things like that now and again.) Anyways, I went to youth group with my cousin, and they spoke about that during worship. I felt like they were talking directly to me, and it was something I really needed to hear. I actually started crying right there, in the room full of people, in the middle of worship. But it made me feel better.
The Lord works in mysterious ways.
Which brings me to another point. As probably everyone who actually reads my blog already knows, Nerdfighteria lost someone today. Esther Earl, a young girl who I didn't personally know, but knew of, died early this morning. She's had cancer for about four years, but I guess it finally got the best of her. (I don't really know many details.) I'm not going to pretend that I knew her well; I'd never even talked to her. But from what I did know of her, and what I've seen in videos, and what I've heard from countless others, she was a kind, sweet, brave, and generally awesome person. Lots of people (me included) were praying last night when she ended up in the ICU that she would make it out safely. Sadly for us, she did not. But I'd venture to guess that she's really happy where she is now, much happier than she could possibly be on earth, and she's not suffering anymore. So at least there's a bit of a blessing in the sadness of it all. I know Nerdfighteria will miss her and never forget her. Alabanza, Esther.
Song of the Day: Alabanza- In the Heights
And I started having quite a bad day and feeling really bad about myself and kind of neglected and unloved and it seems lately that I've been really easily forgotten about by a lot of people. (I know, I know. But we all go through things like that now and again.) Anyways, I went to youth group with my cousin, and they spoke about that during worship. I felt like they were talking directly to me, and it was something I really needed to hear. I actually started crying right there, in the room full of people, in the middle of worship. But it made me feel better.
The Lord works in mysterious ways.
Which brings me to another point. As probably everyone who actually reads my blog already knows, Nerdfighteria lost someone today. Esther Earl, a young girl who I didn't personally know, but knew of, died early this morning. She's had cancer for about four years, but I guess it finally got the best of her. (I don't really know many details.) I'm not going to pretend that I knew her well; I'd never even talked to her. But from what I did know of her, and what I've seen in videos, and what I've heard from countless others, she was a kind, sweet, brave, and generally awesome person. Lots of people (me included) were praying last night when she ended up in the ICU that she would make it out safely. Sadly for us, she did not. But I'd venture to guess that she's really happy where she is now, much happier than she could possibly be on earth, and she's not suffering anymore. So at least there's a bit of a blessing in the sadness of it all. I know Nerdfighteria will miss her and never forget her. Alabanza, Esther.
Song of the Day: Alabanza- In the Heights
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Day 24: Well, It Was Exciting to ME.
I have to go to bed super early tonight because I have to cover someone's shift at work at 7:30 am (GAHHH!) tomorrow. But something pretty exciting happened to me today!
My sophomore and junior years of high school, I was on the winter guard. If you haven't heard of that, it's the people during marching bands that spin flags. In the winter, we make it our own sport and compete against other winter guard teams. It was a blast and I miss it loads. Anyways, today when my sister and I went down to my school to do a few things, I saw some people spinning flags outside one of the buildings. When I asked them if they were in the marching band and that I had been on color guard before, they were really excited and one girl brought me in to talk to the director about joining (if I can fit in into my schedule, what with class and shows and auditions and work and everything). On the way in, the girl who was showing me the way glances at my This Machine Pwns N00bs shirt and asks "Is that a nerdfighter shirt?" I have never met another nerdfighter IRL in my entire life! I was so excited. Then, when we reached the band room, where the entire band was practicing, the girl calls to the director "We found a guard person on the street!" which made me laugh. And then one of the clarinet players said to the girl next to me (who had, apparently, recently died her hair) "Can we call you Tonks?"
I think I am going to like these people.
I've also been reading as much of Catching Fire as I could today. I've only got about 60 pages left, and Mockingjay should be here soon.
I've got to make my video and clean and get to bed, so goodnight, all!
Happy Mockingjay Day and happy birthday, John Green!
Song of the Day: If it's Love- Train
My sophomore and junior years of high school, I was on the winter guard. If you haven't heard of that, it's the people during marching bands that spin flags. In the winter, we make it our own sport and compete against other winter guard teams. It was a blast and I miss it loads. Anyways, today when my sister and I went down to my school to do a few things, I saw some people spinning flags outside one of the buildings. When I asked them if they were in the marching band and that I had been on color guard before, they were really excited and one girl brought me in to talk to the director about joining (if I can fit in into my schedule, what with class and shows and auditions and work and everything). On the way in, the girl who was showing me the way glances at my This Machine Pwns N00bs shirt and asks "Is that a nerdfighter shirt?" I have never met another nerdfighter IRL in my entire life! I was so excited. Then, when we reached the band room, where the entire band was practicing, the girl calls to the director "We found a guard person on the street!" which made me laugh. And then one of the clarinet players said to the girl next to me (who had, apparently, recently died her hair) "Can we call you Tonks?"
I think I am going to like these people.
I've also been reading as much of Catching Fire as I could today. I've only got about 60 pages left, and Mockingjay should be here soon.
I've got to make my video and clean and get to bed, so goodnight, all!
Happy Mockingjay Day and happy birthday, John Green!
Song of the Day: If it's Love- Train
Day 23: Yet Again . . .
I hate to do this to you guys AGAIN, but I just fell asleep and then woke up and realized I hadn't written my blog, but I am so tired and really need to get back to sleep because I have to get up early.
However, there are a few things I want to quickly say.
I spent a lot of today re-reading Catching Fire (which does not get any less suspenseful or frightening or exciting after multiple reads, by the way) because tomorrow is the release day for MOCKINGJAY! If you haven't heard of it, Mockingjay is the third and final book in the Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. They're absolutely amazing books. I'm not going to explain them on here because I'm horrid at explaining things, and you probably won't want to read them if I do. To be fair, I didn't want to read them when I first heard what they were about, either. But I did and I fell in love with them. I'm so excited to read Mockingjay; I watched a Youtube video today of Suzanne Collins reading the first chapter and I'm not sure how much longer I can wait for the rest! However, I pre-ordered the book on, and since it will probably ship tomorrow, I most likely won't have it for a few days. Very upsetting.
As well as being Mockinjay day, tomorrow is also John Green's birthday. If you're reading this and you don't know who John Green is, I would advise you to go to or, preferably, and check him out. Besides being an amazing author, is is also made of awesome and plain hilarious. Go wish him a happy birthday.
Lastly, I woke up from my little (unintentional) nap to find this waiting for me:
In case you're unaware of what that is (and you probably are), it is the beginning of the collab channel me and two other friends are starting called Broadway'sAngels! Emily posts on Mondays, I post on Wednesdays, and Michelle posts on Fridays. I didn't know that we were starting this week because we hadn't officially decided when to start, so finding a link to this video on my Twitter was a really pleasant surprise.
So that's it for tonight, I need to get (back) to bed!
Goodnight, lovies!
Song of the Day: We're on Fire- Armoured Bearcub
^In honor the release of Mockingjay and me re-reading Catching Fire
However, there are a few things I want to quickly say.
I spent a lot of today re-reading Catching Fire (which does not get any less suspenseful or frightening or exciting after multiple reads, by the way) because tomorrow is the release day for MOCKINGJAY! If you haven't heard of it, Mockingjay is the third and final book in the Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. They're absolutely amazing books. I'm not going to explain them on here because I'm horrid at explaining things, and you probably won't want to read them if I do. To be fair, I didn't want to read them when I first heard what they were about, either. But I did and I fell in love with them. I'm so excited to read Mockingjay; I watched a Youtube video today of Suzanne Collins reading the first chapter and I'm not sure how much longer I can wait for the rest! However, I pre-ordered the book on, and since it will probably ship tomorrow, I most likely won't have it for a few days. Very upsetting.
As well as being Mockinjay day, tomorrow is also John Green's birthday. If you're reading this and you don't know who John Green is, I would advise you to go to or, preferably, and check him out. Besides being an amazing author, is is also made of awesome and plain hilarious. Go wish him a happy birthday.
Lastly, I woke up from my little (unintentional) nap to find this waiting for me:
In case you're unaware of what that is (and you probably are), it is the beginning of the collab channel me and two other friends are starting called Broadway'sAngels! Emily posts on Mondays, I post on Wednesdays, and Michelle posts on Fridays. I didn't know that we were starting this week because we hadn't officially decided when to start, so finding a link to this video on my Twitter was a really pleasant surprise.
So that's it for tonight, I need to get (back) to bed!
Goodnight, lovies!
Song of the Day: We're on Fire- Armoured Bearcub
^In honor the release of Mockingjay and me re-reading Catching Fire
Monday, August 23, 2010
Day 22: Pride & Prejudice
Today I got to hang out with my best friend for the last time before she goes back off to college. We watched Pride & Prejudice, which she owns and has seen several times, but has never read the book, and which I had not seen until tonight, although I've read the book a few times.
I had high hopes for this movie, since I absolutely love the novel. Jane Austen is one of the wittiest writers I've read, and I can't hate single one of her characters because no matter how outrageous or irritating or insufferable they are, they all bring something to the story that I love. And some of my favorite characters in literature come from Pride & Prejudice.
First, I have to say that I have a general rule about movies being made from books that I think I share with a good amount of people: that the movie is never as good as the book. The only exception to this rule that I have ever encountered was Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. The movie and the book were very different, and while both were really good, I think I preferred the movie. (In all fairness, I did see the movie first, so that might have factored into my decision a bit.)
However, while the Pride & Prejudice could never be as great as the novel that I love so much, it came pretty dang close. Many of the lines I really love (not my favorite line, but loads of others) were kept in the movie, and not changed too much. The characters were pretty true to the ones in the novel, as well as the general storyline. All in all, it was one of the best film adaptations I've ever seen of a novel. I was really impressed. It was a lot better than I thought it would be, and I had already expected to really like it.
Another thing I loved about it was the set. It was one of the most gorgeous sets I have ever seen in a movie. Every scene outdoors, and even some of the ones inside, were absolutely stunning. I'm not quite sure where it was filmed (Sarah said she thinks England) but wherever it is, I would like to live there. I don't know how many times I commented on the set; I think Sarah must've wanted to kill me for talking so much.
And I think everyone was cast perfectly. I'm already a big fan of Keira Knightley, and I think period piece movies suit her exactly. She might not be who I would have picked as Elizabeth Bennet, but I really liked her as Elizabeth. She did a great job. Rosamund Pike was a really lovely, sweet Jane. Matthew Macfadyen was perfect for the part of Darcy, that's all I can say about him. I loved him. And BINGLEY. For some reason, as great of a character as Bingley is, I never fully appreciated him until I saw Simon Woods portray him in this movie. There are NO WORDS for how much I loved him. He was absolutely, perfectly Bingley. He was not at all the way that I pictured Bingley (looks-wise) but fit him much better than the picture in my head did, and he was definitely the best fit to play the sweet, kind, happy man that Jane Austen wrote. I couldn't stop smiling every time he came onscreen. Plus, he had the cutest baby face ever. (I had to mention it.) I just wanted to put him in my pocket. He's adorable.
Anyways, I would definitely recommend this movie to fans of the book, and if you're not a fan of the book and you like period piece movies, or if you like to laugh (WARNING: It's intelligent humor, not "I Love You Man," "The Hangover," "Step Brothers," "Superbad" humor. Jane Austen was CLEVER) then you should check it out.
Song of the Day: St. Patrick's Day- John Mayer
I had high hopes for this movie, since I absolutely love the novel. Jane Austen is one of the wittiest writers I've read, and I can't hate single one of her characters because no matter how outrageous or irritating or insufferable they are, they all bring something to the story that I love. And some of my favorite characters in literature come from Pride & Prejudice.
First, I have to say that I have a general rule about movies being made from books that I think I share with a good amount of people: that the movie is never as good as the book. The only exception to this rule that I have ever encountered was Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. The movie and the book were very different, and while both were really good, I think I preferred the movie. (In all fairness, I did see the movie first, so that might have factored into my decision a bit.)
However, while the Pride & Prejudice could never be as great as the novel that I love so much, it came pretty dang close. Many of the lines I really love (not my favorite line, but loads of others) were kept in the movie, and not changed too much. The characters were pretty true to the ones in the novel, as well as the general storyline. All in all, it was one of the best film adaptations I've ever seen of a novel. I was really impressed. It was a lot better than I thought it would be, and I had already expected to really like it.
Another thing I loved about it was the set. It was one of the most gorgeous sets I have ever seen in a movie. Every scene outdoors, and even some of the ones inside, were absolutely stunning. I'm not quite sure where it was filmed (Sarah said she thinks England) but wherever it is, I would like to live there. I don't know how many times I commented on the set; I think Sarah must've wanted to kill me for talking so much.
And I think everyone was cast perfectly. I'm already a big fan of Keira Knightley, and I think period piece movies suit her exactly. She might not be who I would have picked as Elizabeth Bennet, but I really liked her as Elizabeth. She did a great job. Rosamund Pike was a really lovely, sweet Jane. Matthew Macfadyen was perfect for the part of Darcy, that's all I can say about him. I loved him. And BINGLEY. For some reason, as great of a character as Bingley is, I never fully appreciated him until I saw Simon Woods portray him in this movie. There are NO WORDS for how much I loved him. He was absolutely, perfectly Bingley. He was not at all the way that I pictured Bingley (looks-wise) but fit him much better than the picture in my head did, and he was definitely the best fit to play the sweet, kind, happy man that Jane Austen wrote. I couldn't stop smiling every time he came onscreen. Plus, he had the cutest baby face ever. (I had to mention it.) I just wanted to put him in my pocket. He's adorable.
Anyways, I would definitely recommend this movie to fans of the book, and if you're not a fan of the book and you like period piece movies, or if you like to laugh (WARNING: It's intelligent humor, not "I Love You Man," "The Hangover," "Step Brothers," "Superbad" humor. Jane Austen was CLEVER) then you should check it out.
Song of the Day: St. Patrick's Day- John Mayer
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Day 21: Sunrise, Sunset
Have you ever noticed how nice sunsets and sunrises are? I know they get a lot of hype about being really beautiful and everything, but more than that, I really think they are the best times of the day. In the summertime, they (sunrises especially) remind me of my childhood and kind of bring me back to that fun, easy time when I was in elementary school, and my biggest fear was getting yelled at for playing tag in the street at the bus stop. There's something so sweet and innocent about a sunrise. I don't know if it's just because it's the start of a new, fresh day, or if it's just because I used to see it everyday as I walked to the bus as a child, or because to me it represents a time when everything is just more beautiful and more simple. Being up (and outside) at sunrise is one of my favorite things. I wish I was able to wake up early enough to watch the sun rise more often. I get to see it set sometimes through the window at work, and although it's not the ideal way to watch a sunset, it works. If I'm in the house, I'm usually doing something else besides watching the sunset, but at work, as I stand by the window taking orders and money, I see it no matter what. Somehow, seeing the sunset while I'm trapped in McDonalds cheers me up a bit. It makes me feel as if something good can come out of something I dread every day.
I don't know, I was just thinking about this while watching the sunset at work. Something as simple as a sunrise or sunset can have so much meaning, and I was wondering if anyone else felt the same way?
Ciao, miei amori.
Song of the Day: Sunrise- In the Heights (Original Broadway Cast)
( ^Like what I did there?)
I don't know, I was just thinking about this while watching the sunset at work. Something as simple as a sunrise or sunset can have so much meaning, and I was wondering if anyone else felt the same way?
Ciao, miei amori.
Song of the Day: Sunrise- In the Heights (Original Broadway Cast)
( ^Like what I did there?)
Day 20: Whose Idea Was This BEDA Thing, Anyway?
Okay I really want to get to bed, so instead of writing a decent blog, I'm just going to ask you guys what you would like me to write about before the month is over? Whoever (if anyone) still reads this, give me an idea for something to blog about the next time I don't know what to write. The best one I will choose and then we can decrease the amount of these crappy ones. =)
Also, the power's still out from the storm (in my neighborhood, anyway) so I got called into work today because we were slammed because other McDonalds stores were closed. I got a little over three hours in, which is good because I'm making money, but bad because I had to cancel my plans with my mom and my plans with my best friend Sarah, who is going back to school three hours away on Tuesday and doesn't know when she'll be coming back to visit.
I just finished watching an episode of Friends because it is the best show ever (did I tell you Sarah gave me Friends Scene-It the other day? :D) and now it is BEDTIME!
Goodnight, all you crazy kids.
Song of the Day: Guys Like Potter- A Very Potter Sequel soundtrack
Also, the power's still out from the storm (in my neighborhood, anyway) so I got called into work today because we were slammed because other McDonalds stores were closed. I got a little over three hours in, which is good because I'm making money, but bad because I had to cancel my plans with my mom and my plans with my best friend Sarah, who is going back to school three hours away on Tuesday and doesn't know when she'll be coming back to visit.
I just finished watching an episode of Friends because it is the best show ever (did I tell you Sarah gave me Friends Scene-It the other day? :D) and now it is BEDTIME!
Goodnight, all you crazy kids.
Song of the Day: Guys Like Potter- A Very Potter Sequel soundtrack
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Day 19: What a Day
Well. Today was . . . interesting, to say the least.
In the last half an hour of my nearly endless shift at work, customers in the drive-thru began commenting on the weather and the tornado warnings that were apparently in effect. While I love storms, I'm terrified of tornadoes, so this was not really welcome news to me. Then about 10 minutes later, it began storming like mad- we lost power, it was pouring rain, the wind was going insane. I really thought there was going to be a tornado, and I was nearly in tears.
The storm only lasted about 15 minutes, but when I got home, the power was still out. (And still, to this moment, is out.) I had to go to Starbucks so I could write this and upload my video and enter my calories for today, but the wi-fi at that particular Starbucks was broken, so I had to go to another.
They're closing so I have to go, bye!
Song of the Day: Mountains and Sea- Ingrid Michaelson
Okay, I'm at my dad's now so I have internet! (The power only went out at my mom's.) But I realized tonight just how eerie driving in the dark with no stoplights and no streetlamps is. It's really strange. And on the way to Starbucks, there were a lot of firetrucks and then just people walking or biking wherever they wanted in the street with no concern for cars or anything. It was almost as if something majorly devastating had happened. It was just . . . really, really strange.
In the last half an hour of my nearly endless shift at work, customers in the drive-thru began commenting on the weather and the tornado warnings that were apparently in effect. While I love storms, I'm terrified of tornadoes, so this was not really welcome news to me. Then about 10 minutes later, it began storming like mad- we lost power, it was pouring rain, the wind was going insane. I really thought there was going to be a tornado, and I was nearly in tears.
The storm only lasted about 15 minutes, but when I got home, the power was still out. (And still, to this moment, is out.) I had to go to Starbucks so I could write this and upload my video and enter my calories for today, but the wi-fi at that particular Starbucks was broken, so I had to go to another.
They're closing so I have to go, bye!
Song of the Day: Mountains and Sea- Ingrid Michaelson
Okay, I'm at my dad's now so I have internet! (The power only went out at my mom's.) But I realized tonight just how eerie driving in the dark with no stoplights and no streetlamps is. It's really strange. And on the way to Starbucks, there were a lot of firetrucks and then just people walking or biking wherever they wanted in the street with no concern for cars or anything. It was almost as if something majorly devastating had happened. It was just . . . really, really strange.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Day 18: Serenity Now (Please?)
With school getting close to starting back up again and all the fees for tuition and housing and books, etc. piling back up, I've been more than a little stressed lately. When you consider than I have a part-time minimum wage job and don't even get 40 hours a week, money is pretty tight for me.
For instance, I've been working and paying for my own extra things since I was 14. Since then, if I wanted to go on a vacation with a friend or I wanted to join winterguard at school ($75 a season) or I wanted to go to Cedar Point or to a concert or see a musical, unless it was a birthday or Christmas present, I paid for it myself. And I was working enough that all those things were just fine to be spending my money on, because I didn't have college to pay for.
Of course, last year I started college. I had a nice little cushion in my bank account to still pay for some extra things that I wanted, and to pay the $200 a month for the student loan I had to take out.
By the end of the year, the cushion in bank account was nearly gone, but my student loans were paid off and I congratulated myself on a job well done.
However, this summer I had lots of big plans. Not only did I buy my lunch every day at work, but I saw John Mayer in February and The Spill Canvas in May and went to Cedar Point and to the movies a lot and out to lunch, and had plans to do quite a bit more when, suddenly, I overdrafted my bank account. This was the first time this had ever happened to me, and I freaked out. Luckily, it was only a few bucks and on a weekend, and my mom lent me enough money that I wouldn't get charged an overdraft fee.
That was when I decided things needed to change. I wasn't getting a whole lot of hours at work and I just didn't have enough money anymore to be spending it on things I didn't need. So when John Mayer and Spill both came back to town, I couldn't go see them again like I had planned on. When my best friend Sarah invited me to go to a Sara Bareilles concert with her, I had to say no. When I got an email saying I could get presale Ingrid Michaelson tickets, I had to ignore it. When Marquise was looking for people to go to Cedar Point with, I had to tell her to find someone else. And I started buying fruit salads at work because they were cheap and I couldn't afford the expensive chicken sandwiches I had been buying.
Still, I was only making about $200 every paycheck (which is every two weeks where I work) and even those the dollar every shift that I was spending on those fruit salads was adding up. With having to pay for gas now that I'm driving, and the $2-3 for postage each time I had a trade on Swaptree, and tithing at church (10% of my paycheck every two weeks), and attempting to pay back the massive amount of money that my mom had lent me to help me pay for school, I overdrafted my account again.
Now I've got about $50 in my account until I get my next paycheck in a week and a half, and I had to drop the dance class I really wanted to take this semester because it's two credits and I can't afford the $500 in tuition that it's going to cost, and I have no money to buy books or a parking pass, which means I'll probably have to borrow from my mom again and owe her even MORE money. And my student loan doesn't cover everything it needs to cover, so I have to pay some out of my pocket, and I don't have it.
Needless to say, I'm stressing like crazy. I'm working 36 hours this week, and as many as I can until I go back to school, but that's in two weeks. If I can't find a job on campus (I've been trying but haven't heard from anyone) I'll have to stay at McDonalds, which means I can only work weekends since I'll be away at school during the week. Of course, just working weekends isn't going to get me enough money to pay for everything I need.
On top of everything, I want more than anything to go to LeakyCon next summer. I'm saving up like mad but registration goes up at the end of September and I don't think that's enough time for me to save up the almost $200 for registration, so I don't know if I'll be able to afford it.
I don't think I've ever had this much of a problem with money before, and I'm not exactly sure how to handle it. I'm actually terrified about what's going to happen this year and I'm just praying I make enough money to make it through.
Wish me luck.
Song of the Day: Hey Beautiful- The Solids
For instance, I've been working and paying for my own extra things since I was 14. Since then, if I wanted to go on a vacation with a friend or I wanted to join winterguard at school ($75 a season) or I wanted to go to Cedar Point or to a concert or see a musical, unless it was a birthday or Christmas present, I paid for it myself. And I was working enough that all those things were just fine to be spending my money on, because I didn't have college to pay for.
Of course, last year I started college. I had a nice little cushion in my bank account to still pay for some extra things that I wanted, and to pay the $200 a month for the student loan I had to take out.
By the end of the year, the cushion in bank account was nearly gone, but my student loans were paid off and I congratulated myself on a job well done.
However, this summer I had lots of big plans. Not only did I buy my lunch every day at work, but I saw John Mayer in February and The Spill Canvas in May and went to Cedar Point and to the movies a lot and out to lunch, and had plans to do quite a bit more when, suddenly, I overdrafted my bank account. This was the first time this had ever happened to me, and I freaked out. Luckily, it was only a few bucks and on a weekend, and my mom lent me enough money that I wouldn't get charged an overdraft fee.
That was when I decided things needed to change. I wasn't getting a whole lot of hours at work and I just didn't have enough money anymore to be spending it on things I didn't need. So when John Mayer and Spill both came back to town, I couldn't go see them again like I had planned on. When my best friend Sarah invited me to go to a Sara Bareilles concert with her, I had to say no. When I got an email saying I could get presale Ingrid Michaelson tickets, I had to ignore it. When Marquise was looking for people to go to Cedar Point with, I had to tell her to find someone else. And I started buying fruit salads at work because they were cheap and I couldn't afford the expensive chicken sandwiches I had been buying.
Still, I was only making about $200 every paycheck (which is every two weeks where I work) and even those the dollar every shift that I was spending on those fruit salads was adding up. With having to pay for gas now that I'm driving, and the $2-3 for postage each time I had a trade on Swaptree, and tithing at church (10% of my paycheck every two weeks), and attempting to pay back the massive amount of money that my mom had lent me to help me pay for school, I overdrafted my account again.
Now I've got about $50 in my account until I get my next paycheck in a week and a half, and I had to drop the dance class I really wanted to take this semester because it's two credits and I can't afford the $500 in tuition that it's going to cost, and I have no money to buy books or a parking pass, which means I'll probably have to borrow from my mom again and owe her even MORE money. And my student loan doesn't cover everything it needs to cover, so I have to pay some out of my pocket, and I don't have it.
Needless to say, I'm stressing like crazy. I'm working 36 hours this week, and as many as I can until I go back to school, but that's in two weeks. If I can't find a job on campus (I've been trying but haven't heard from anyone) I'll have to stay at McDonalds, which means I can only work weekends since I'll be away at school during the week. Of course, just working weekends isn't going to get me enough money to pay for everything I need.
On top of everything, I want more than anything to go to LeakyCon next summer. I'm saving up like mad but registration goes up at the end of September and I don't think that's enough time for me to save up the almost $200 for registration, so I don't know if I'll be able to afford it.
I don't think I've ever had this much of a problem with money before, and I'm not exactly sure how to handle it. I'm actually terrified about what's going to happen this year and I'm just praying I make enough money to make it through.
Wish me luck.
Song of the Day: Hey Beautiful- The Solids
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Day 17: Sucky Jobs and Good Decisions
Okay, my job has gotten to a new level of sucking and pathetic today.
I already knew that working at McDonalds for five and half years didn't exactly make a dedicated career woman, but exactly how pathetic this job is has been becoming more and more clear to me this summer.
For example, last night a few of my co-workers had sent the poor little 16 year old "new guy" into the stock room to look for FILET STEAM. Now, I am not going to comment on the intelligence or common sense of a person who actually believes steam can be packed and stocked in a box in the back of a restaurant, but that poor child was back there for at least five minutes while the people who had tricked him were up front laughing. If it were me, I know I would probably fall for something just as idiotic because that's just me, and I felt for the kid.
But a few weeks ago I was sent to the back to teach a new kid (18 or 19 years old, mind you) how to WASH DISHES, because he had never washed a dish in his life.
I was completely at a loss for words.
My lesson plan was "Ummm, well, you put the dish in the sink, and then you rinse it off, and scrub it with the little scrubber and some soap. Then you, uh, put them in the dishwasher and close the dishwasher and take them out when it's done and set them here to dry."
It was some mind-blowingly simple and self-explanitory that was wondering if I actually was supposed to teach him or if this was his idea of a joke.
These are the kind of people that work at McDonalds.
And I have worked there for over 5 years.
What does this say about me?
And not only do I still work there, but I still make minimum wage. And for the past 3 years or so, I have been doing the same job every shift.
And eating the same disgusting McDonalds food every shift, which brings me to my next subject.
I was a fairly thin child, but somewhere between middle school and now (I'm guessing it started around the time I got the job at McDonalds- fancy that) I've put on quite a bit of extra weight. I'm not fat, but I weigh noticeably more than I should and, judging by the various websites I've checked, I'm about 30-40 pounds more than I should be at my height.
It's not a huge deal to me what I weigh, but for the past few years it's been bothering me that it's so difficult to find clothes that fit me and my self-confidence has been drooping.
I've been trying to lose some weight this summer, and I'm down about 5-10 pounds from where I was sometime last school year, but I've not been doing as well as I'd hoped.
Then I came across Hayley G. Hoover's blog ( if you're interested) about how she had the same problem and had lost 25 pounds this summer by tracking her calories and exercise at and I decided, why not try it?
I began tracking the calories that I both eat and burn yesterday, and magically, I already feel more confident about myself, like somehow I know that this is going to be the way that I actually do this. Like maybe having numbers in front of me and knowing exactly how much is too much for me to be eating and exactly how much exercise I need in order to be in shape is going to do the trick, finally. I'm really excited to do this and I'll be keeping you guys updating on how I'm doing with it.
Song of the Day: Rainbow- Colbie Caillat
(I know I used her yesterday, but I fell in love with this song today and had to use it.)
I already knew that working at McDonalds for five and half years didn't exactly make a dedicated career woman, but exactly how pathetic this job is has been becoming more and more clear to me this summer.
For example, last night a few of my co-workers had sent the poor little 16 year old "new guy" into the stock room to look for FILET STEAM. Now, I am not going to comment on the intelligence or common sense of a person who actually believes steam can be packed and stocked in a box in the back of a restaurant, but that poor child was back there for at least five minutes while the people who had tricked him were up front laughing. If it were me, I know I would probably fall for something just as idiotic because that's just me, and I felt for the kid.
But a few weeks ago I was sent to the back to teach a new kid (18 or 19 years old, mind you) how to WASH DISHES, because he had never washed a dish in his life.
I was completely at a loss for words.
My lesson plan was "Ummm, well, you put the dish in the sink, and then you rinse it off, and scrub it with the little scrubber and some soap. Then you, uh, put them in the dishwasher and close the dishwasher and take them out when it's done and set them here to dry."
It was some mind-blowingly simple and self-explanitory that was wondering if I actually was supposed to teach him or if this was his idea of a joke.
These are the kind of people that work at McDonalds.
And I have worked there for over 5 years.
What does this say about me?
And not only do I still work there, but I still make minimum wage. And for the past 3 years or so, I have been doing the same job every shift.
And eating the same disgusting McDonalds food every shift, which brings me to my next subject.
I was a fairly thin child, but somewhere between middle school and now (I'm guessing it started around the time I got the job at McDonalds- fancy that) I've put on quite a bit of extra weight. I'm not fat, but I weigh noticeably more than I should and, judging by the various websites I've checked, I'm about 30-40 pounds more than I should be at my height.
It's not a huge deal to me what I weigh, but for the past few years it's been bothering me that it's so difficult to find clothes that fit me and my self-confidence has been drooping.
I've been trying to lose some weight this summer, and I'm down about 5-10 pounds from where I was sometime last school year, but I've not been doing as well as I'd hoped.
Then I came across Hayley G. Hoover's blog ( if you're interested) about how she had the same problem and had lost 25 pounds this summer by tracking her calories and exercise at and I decided, why not try it?
I began tracking the calories that I both eat and burn yesterday, and magically, I already feel more confident about myself, like somehow I know that this is going to be the way that I actually do this. Like maybe having numbers in front of me and knowing exactly how much is too much for me to be eating and exactly how much exercise I need in order to be in shape is going to do the trick, finally. I'm really excited to do this and I'll be keeping you guys updating on how I'm doing with it.
Song of the Day: Rainbow- Colbie Caillat
(I know I used her yesterday, but I fell in love with this song today and had to use it.)
Day 16: There's Been A Change In Me
Another lazy blog- I put all my energy into my super embarrassing vlog today.
And I'm trying to spice up my Youtube channel and think of a title and something to use for a layout and I'm coming up very blank. I wanted "I solemnly swear I am up to no good" for my title but it was too long, and I am crap at drawing so I don't know if I'll be able to design one for myself.
And I really need to clean my room and start packing for school but I can't bring myself to turn off Friends and get my butt off the couch.
In other news, I am determined to make a change in my life. I'm so tired of sitting back and wanting all these things in my life but not doing anything about it, and then being unhappy with various aspects of my life. I'm going to make my life the way I want it and find a way to do the things that will make me happy, and push fear and laziness and discouragement aside.
Things will change for me, if I have any say in it.
I refuse to be unhappy about things that I can change, and I'll find a way to be happy about the things I can't.
Life is short, and there are too many great things to miss out on because of waiting for them to come to me.
Adios, amigos.
Song of the Day: I Won't- Colbie Caillat
And I'm trying to spice up my Youtube channel and think of a title and something to use for a layout and I'm coming up very blank. I wanted "I solemnly swear I am up to no good" for my title but it was too long, and I am crap at drawing so I don't know if I'll be able to design one for myself.
And I really need to clean my room and start packing for school but I can't bring myself to turn off Friends and get my butt off the couch.
In other news, I am determined to make a change in my life. I'm so tired of sitting back and wanting all these things in my life but not doing anything about it, and then being unhappy with various aspects of my life. I'm going to make my life the way I want it and find a way to do the things that will make me happy, and push fear and laziness and discouragement aside.
Things will change for me, if I have any say in it.
I refuse to be unhappy about things that I can change, and I'll find a way to be happy about the things I can't.
Life is short, and there are too many great things to miss out on because of waiting for them to come to me.
Adios, amigos.
Song of the Day: I Won't- Colbie Caillat
Monday, August 16, 2010
Day 15: Hello, Is It Me You're Looking For?
I honestly have no idea what to write. I guess I'll just tell y'all what's new in my life, which is VERY INTERESTING, I'm sure.
I'm getting more hours at work- I've got 34 this week, which is really good because I need the money BAD.
I'm going down to school tomorrow to get the papers signed for my major change; I know I've said this before but tomorrow I will ACTUALLY officially be a theatre major!
I went for a walk with my dad today, which was nice because I actually got to talk to him. I don't get to hang out with him much lately because I work a lot more and he's with his girlfriend a lot.
There were business cards hung up and strewn all over my work today for a company selling "lotions, langeries and romance products." *snicker*
I am BEGINNING to adjust to my new haircut.
I'm about to fall asleep mid-blog, so this is it for tonight. I- *snore*
Song of the Day: Hello (Glee Cast version)- Jonathan Groff and Lea Michele
I'm getting more hours at work- I've got 34 this week, which is really good because I need the money BAD.
I'm going down to school tomorrow to get the papers signed for my major change; I know I've said this before but tomorrow I will ACTUALLY officially be a theatre major!
I went for a walk with my dad today, which was nice because I actually got to talk to him. I don't get to hang out with him much lately because I work a lot more and he's with his girlfriend a lot.
There were business cards hung up and strewn all over my work today for a company selling "lotions, langeries and romance products." *snicker*
I am BEGINNING to adjust to my new haircut.
I'm about to fall asleep mid-blog, so this is it for tonight. I- *snore*
Song of the Day: Hello (Glee Cast version)- Jonathan Groff and Lea Michele
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Day 14: A Cop Out.
I'm lazy today. So instead of trying to think of something interesting to write about, I am simply going to say that this BEDA/VEDA thing is harder than I expected it to be. I am simply not very good at thinking of new and creative things to write (or vlog) about each day. Some days (such as today) I have absolutely nothing to write and absolutely no motivation to think of anything to write.
So here's a picture of a llama that I found online.

Thank you, goodnight.
Song of the Day: Paperweight- Joshua Radin and Shuyler Fisk
So here's a picture of a llama that I found online.

Thank you, goodnight.
Song of the Day: Paperweight- Joshua Radin and Shuyler Fisk
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Day 12: Sand and Water, and A Million Years Gone By
As I write this, I am sitting on a comfy little seat I made out of a pile of rocks on the beach, with my feet in the water and the waves splashing me. I live near the water, but the lake I live by is disgusting and not really fit for swimming. At least, not our part of it. So when I haven't been near the water for long enough period of time, I forget how much I love it. Not necessarily swimming, although I do love to swim, but just being in the waves, letting them wash over my legs, keeping me just cool enough that I'm not frying. I love the sound of the waves, the way they look, the way they smell, how nice it feels to just walk through them and enjoy a beautiful day. I've got my iPod on my Sunny Day playlist, a cozy seat near the water, and my camera, should anything interesting come along (I've already snapped half a million photos of the waves). I could stay here all day. It's times like this when my old longing to move to Florida and live on the ocean and be a marine bologist is rekindled, despite my paler-than-Moaning-Myrtle skin that would fry like an egg and my intense intolerance for heat and humidity. I've been there three times and each time ranks as one of my fondest memories. (My mom has just stolen my spot and I have been forced to fashion a second rate, less comfortable, half reclined spot next to her.) But I just think being able to be in and study the water for a living would be such an amazing job. And to live right near it would be the best thing ever. When I get home tomorrow night I'll post some pictures on Tumblr, so if you're interested, go to and they should be up tomorrow night or sometime this weekend. Enjoy your Thursdays and I will enjoy my BEACH! *snicker*
Song of the Day: Love Song- Sara Bareilles
Song of the Day: Love Song- Sara Bareilles
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Day 11: Sorry Guys!
Hey guys, I need to write this really quick before we leave the restaurant, because I just found wi-fi on my iPod at the pizza place we're at. Sorry I missed yesterday, I promise I really tried hard to find Internet! I went swimming today for the first time all summer, which was exciting. I'm not really a fan of being up here in the boonies, but I do like the lake. I'll write a nice long blog post when I get home and hopefully post an exciting video to make up for not be able to post for a few days. It's so strange being up here now . . . we're at dinner with Nina and Aunt Frieda "just the girls." It doesn't feel right. But I don't really have much time, an I'm not sure if I'll be able to find wi-fi again.
Buenas tardes, queridas!
Song of the Day: Fast Cars and Freedom- Rascal Flatts
Buenas tardes, queridas!
Song of the Day: Fast Cars and Freedom- Rascal Flatts
Monday, August 9, 2010
Now, I know what you're thinking, and that is that I've already used this title for one of my VEDA vlogs. But once you read this, you will see why I had an overwhelming need to recycle this title.
Tonight, I thought grilled cheese would be a delicious option for dinner. I am especially fantastic at making grilled cheese. I can't cook anything else, but I am wonderful at that one entree.
Anyways, I grabbed the pan out of the dishwasher, cleaned it out, and put my soon-to-be grilled cheese on the burner. After waiting about five minutes and flipping the sandwich a few times, I started noticing sort of an odd smell. It kind of smelled like candy mixed with hate.
At first I thought it was just me, and went on cooking my food. Then, when the smell got stronger, I realized that it was definitely not just me and picked up the pan, which was sizzling on the burner in an unusual way. When I lifted it up, I was attacked with smell and the was some sort of melted substance on the burner and on the bottom of the pan. The smell was becoming unbearable so I switched pans and took the first one of the stove.
After it cooled down a bit, I attempted to removed whatever was smoking on the bottom of it. When the sponge I originally used failed to remove it, I grabbed the steel wool and started scrubbing. Instead of coming off, the whitish substance spread around the pan and became kind of sticky- a consistency I recognized.
Hardly daring to believe it, I call to my mom in the other room "It kind of looks like . . . gum."
There was a moment of silence, and then, to my horror, she responds "So THAT'S where my gum went."

And that, excitingly enough, is not the most interesting place I have found her gum.
You may be wondering if we ever got the gum off the pan. Here is your answer.

Song of the Day: Madame Puddifoot's- The Parselmouths
Tonight, I thought grilled cheese would be a delicious option for dinner. I am especially fantastic at making grilled cheese. I can't cook anything else, but I am wonderful at that one entree.
Anyways, I grabbed the pan out of the dishwasher, cleaned it out, and put my soon-to-be grilled cheese on the burner. After waiting about five minutes and flipping the sandwich a few times, I started noticing sort of an odd smell. It kind of smelled like candy mixed with hate.
At first I thought it was just me, and went on cooking my food. Then, when the smell got stronger, I realized that it was definitely not just me and picked up the pan, which was sizzling on the burner in an unusual way. When I lifted it up, I was attacked with smell and the was some sort of melted substance on the burner and on the bottom of the pan. The smell was becoming unbearable so I switched pans and took the first one of the stove.
After it cooled down a bit, I attempted to removed whatever was smoking on the bottom of it. When the sponge I originally used failed to remove it, I grabbed the steel wool and started scrubbing. Instead of coming off, the whitish substance spread around the pan and became kind of sticky- a consistency I recognized.
Hardly daring to believe it, I call to my mom in the other room "It kind of looks like . . . gum."
There was a moment of silence, and then, to my horror, she responds "So THAT'S where my gum went."

And that, excitingly enough, is not the most interesting place I have found her gum.
You may be wondering if we ever got the gum off the pan. Here is your answer.
Song of the Day: Madame Puddifoot's- The Parselmouths
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Day 8: The Narrow Show
I'm super tired today, and as a result, I'm going to be a lazy blogger and just use this as an opportunity to plug an interesting new web show that I discovered a few weeks ago. It's called "The Narrow Show" and it's pretty funny. It was embedded on a lyrics site I was on and I couldn't figure out where the talking in my computer was coming from and it just kept playing over and over, and when I finally found it and actually started watching it I found it kind of different and humorous. It's just this one guy telling a story about interesting or funny things that have actually happened to him, and another guy commenting and illustrating. Simple, but I really enjoy it. The first one (and my favorite so far) is called "Girls Who Talk Like That." LINK: They also have one called "The Holy Doughnut" LINK: and since they are new, these are the only two videos they have. Hopefully they'll be uploading more soon, because I quite like this show. Here's a link to their Facebook page if you want to stay updated.
That's all for tonight because I'm DEAD TIRED.
Song of the Day: A Different Kind- Marked As His Equal
That's all for tonight because I'm DEAD TIRED.
Song of the Day: A Different Kind- Marked As His Equal
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Day 7: I Wanna Put On My My My My My Boogie Shoes.
Tonight I am watching Step Up for the first time, which is strange because I love dance and dance movies, so it's odd that I haven't watched it before. I've also started watching So You Think You Can Dance this season and I'm absolutely in love with it. It's made me really miss dance, although I could never afford to take many classes. I'm hopefully going to be taking jazz and contemporary this coming year at school, and I'm thrilled. I love to dance and I can't wait to really learn how to do it. It's so beautiful to watch really talented dancers, it must be amazing to BE one of those really talented dancers. I can't go a day lately without wishing I'd been able to take lessons as a child, and without dancing around like an idiot pretending I know how and wishing I actually did. I'm so excited for classes next year, so hopefully they work out. =))
Sorry for the LAME blog, but I'm lazy and boring today and in dance mode. =)
'Night all!
Song of the Day: 24 Hours- Alexz Johnson
Sorry for the LAME blog, but I'm lazy and boring today and in dance mode. =)
'Night all!
Song of the Day: 24 Hours- Alexz Johnson
Day 6: I Love Nerds
Okay, so I was really lazy today and had no idea what to talk about, and then I saw THIS and . . . I just had to talk about it.
The brilliant Alex Carpenter, Krisina Horner, and Jason Munday have put together a parody of epic proportions that you need to see.
Twilight and a 3OH!3/Ke$ha song were two things that I definitely didn't foresee coming together in a video, but here you have it.
While watching this video, the only thing I could do (besides laugh hysterically) was think of how much I love nerds.
I love to hear nerd-ified versions of a popular songs, more than I can express in words. And I usually like them more than the original, which is the case with this one as well as other parodies, like California Dorks (a California Gurls parody by Jason Munday) and Lumos Flies (a Fireflies parody by ALLCAPS), just to name a few.
It makes me so proud to be a nerd when I see all the awesome nerdy things that these people that I look up to create and say and do.
I could ramble on all day about how proud I am to be a nerd and how much I love other nerds, but I'm going to leave it at this and let the video speak for itself.
Song of the Day: My Eclipse- Alex Carpenter, Kristina Horner, Jason Munday (Obviously)
The brilliant Alex Carpenter, Krisina Horner, and Jason Munday have put together a parody of epic proportions that you need to see.
Twilight and a 3OH!3/Ke$ha song were two things that I definitely didn't foresee coming together in a video, but here you have it.
While watching this video, the only thing I could do (besides laugh hysterically) was think of how much I love nerds.
I love to hear nerd-ified versions of a popular songs, more than I can express in words. And I usually like them more than the original, which is the case with this one as well as other parodies, like California Dorks (a California Gurls parody by Jason Munday) and Lumos Flies (a Fireflies parody by ALLCAPS), just to name a few.
It makes me so proud to be a nerd when I see all the awesome nerdy things that these people that I look up to create and say and do.
I could ramble on all day about how proud I am to be a nerd and how much I love other nerds, but I'm going to leave it at this and let the video speak for itself.
Song of the Day: My Eclipse- Alex Carpenter, Kristina Horner, Jason Munday (Obviously)
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Day 4: UGH.
****This book contains Harry Potter spoilers****
Today I got to go back down to school so I could meet with my academic advisor. I was pretty excited to go back to campus because I absolutely love my campus. Going back kind of felt like being back home in a way, and it was great.
I got a job application for the Barnes & Noble on campus, (and bought a few $1 books to swap) and while we were there, they played TWO of my favorite Florence + the Machine songs: Hurricane Drunk and Dog Days are Over. Now, I have never EVER heard Florence on the radio before, so I was super excited to hear two of her songs on the radio within 20 minutes.
The Spill Canvas (my favorite band) has released a new album called Formalities. I bought it today and although there a quite a few songs from their earlier EPs, Abnormalities and Realities (which I already have), there are also some acoustic versions of those songs and a few new ones that I really like. I bought the album on iTunes today and I'm pretty excited. =)
And I just got home from my cousin's youth group. We watched "To Save a Life," which I saw when it was in theatres in February, but I was really glad to see it again. It's such a great movie. Check it out if you get the chance; it's out on dvd now and a really fantastic and inspiring movie.
And now, I'm going to rant a bit. I'm sorry for this, but I need to get it out, so here I go.
My mom is actually LECTURING ME FOR HAVING A BLOG, if you can believe it. Because it "doesn't matter if I'm putting up personal information or not, because I'm putting my life story online and that never gets deleted." She hasn't even read it and it really upsets me that she doesn't take the time to look at my life and what I do and what I enjoy because she's always too busy looking for reasons why it's all wrong.
Take the blog thing, for example. She has not looked at or read my blog, and yet she can tell me exactly why I shouldn't have one. All I want to do is have something where I can write about how I feel and I thought BEDA sounded like a fun thing to try.
Another example is Harry Potter. I come from a Christian family and am a Christian myself, and I think there are so many wonderful things about Harry Potter. But many Christians, like my mom for example, hear "Harry Potter" and think "witchcraft." That's all they need to make a judgment on it and say that it's bad. My aunt won't even let her kids read or watch Harry Potter. Maybe if they took the time to read it and see all the good things about it and how it's affected so many people, including me, in such a great way, and see the things that have resulted from it, like the Harry Potter Alliance (a charity group inspired by Harry Potter and created by fans), they would feel differently. In the end, doesn't love win out over dark magic? In the end, don't you see how love- James and Lily's love for Harry, Harry's love for his friends and his school, Snape's love for Lily, just to name a few examples- is what ends up keeping Harry alive and destroying Voldemort? In the end (and throughout the whole series), don't some really good people give up their lives to protect the people they love? As Christians, we're taught that Jesus gave up his life to save us, and that his love for us is going to win out over Satan and his evil in the end. How is that so different? How can you say Harry Potter is a bad thing when you haven't given it a chance? I've seen so many good things come out of this series. A month ago, the Harry Potter Alliance was entered in a contest to win $250,000 for charity. If we won, we would use the money to promote literacy, fight for LGBT rights, and a lot of other great things. I have never seen so many people come together and work so hard and take so much time out of their summer for a charity. It was amazing what everyone did, and we ended up winning. And Harry Potter fans are some of the nicest, most fun and most accepting people I know. How can something that has turned out things like this be labeled just because it contains magic?
I'm just so sick of people judging things that they don't take the time to know enough about, and being closed-minded about things.
Sorry again about ranting, but that's something that's been bothering me for a while. But I've got 40 minutes to get my vlog up, and this is quite enough for tonight.
Good night, and good luck.
Song of the Day: Make it Mine- Jason Mraz
Today I got to go back down to school so I could meet with my academic advisor. I was pretty excited to go back to campus because I absolutely love my campus. Going back kind of felt like being back home in a way, and it was great.
I got a job application for the Barnes & Noble on campus, (and bought a few $1 books to swap) and while we were there, they played TWO of my favorite Florence + the Machine songs: Hurricane Drunk and Dog Days are Over. Now, I have never EVER heard Florence on the radio before, so I was super excited to hear two of her songs on the radio within 20 minutes.
The Spill Canvas (my favorite band) has released a new album called Formalities. I bought it today and although there a quite a few songs from their earlier EPs, Abnormalities and Realities (which I already have), there are also some acoustic versions of those songs and a few new ones that I really like. I bought the album on iTunes today and I'm pretty excited. =)
And I just got home from my cousin's youth group. We watched "To Save a Life," which I saw when it was in theatres in February, but I was really glad to see it again. It's such a great movie. Check it out if you get the chance; it's out on dvd now and a really fantastic and inspiring movie.
And now, I'm going to rant a bit. I'm sorry for this, but I need to get it out, so here I go.
My mom is actually LECTURING ME FOR HAVING A BLOG, if you can believe it. Because it "doesn't matter if I'm putting up personal information or not, because I'm putting my life story online and that never gets deleted." She hasn't even read it and it really upsets me that she doesn't take the time to look at my life and what I do and what I enjoy because she's always too busy looking for reasons why it's all wrong.
Take the blog thing, for example. She has not looked at or read my blog, and yet she can tell me exactly why I shouldn't have one. All I want to do is have something where I can write about how I feel and I thought BEDA sounded like a fun thing to try.
Another example is Harry Potter. I come from a Christian family and am a Christian myself, and I think there are so many wonderful things about Harry Potter. But many Christians, like my mom for example, hear "Harry Potter" and think "witchcraft." That's all they need to make a judgment on it and say that it's bad. My aunt won't even let her kids read or watch Harry Potter. Maybe if they took the time to read it and see all the good things about it and how it's affected so many people, including me, in such a great way, and see the things that have resulted from it, like the Harry Potter Alliance (a charity group inspired by Harry Potter and created by fans), they would feel differently. In the end, doesn't love win out over dark magic? In the end, don't you see how love- James and Lily's love for Harry, Harry's love for his friends and his school, Snape's love for Lily, just to name a few examples- is what ends up keeping Harry alive and destroying Voldemort? In the end (and throughout the whole series), don't some really good people give up their lives to protect the people they love? As Christians, we're taught that Jesus gave up his life to save us, and that his love for us is going to win out over Satan and his evil in the end. How is that so different? How can you say Harry Potter is a bad thing when you haven't given it a chance? I've seen so many good things come out of this series. A month ago, the Harry Potter Alliance was entered in a contest to win $250,000 for charity. If we won, we would use the money to promote literacy, fight for LGBT rights, and a lot of other great things. I have never seen so many people come together and work so hard and take so much time out of their summer for a charity. It was amazing what everyone did, and we ended up winning. And Harry Potter fans are some of the nicest, most fun and most accepting people I know. How can something that has turned out things like this be labeled just because it contains magic?
I'm just so sick of people judging things that they don't take the time to know enough about, and being closed-minded about things.
Sorry again about ranting, but that's something that's been bothering me for a while. But I've got 40 minutes to get my vlog up, and this is quite enough for tonight.
Good night, and good luck.
Song of the Day: Make it Mine- Jason Mraz
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Day 3: Woohoo!
Hey y'all!
I'm in a pretty good mood right now because despite having to leave for work in 3 minutes, I just got my room assignment for school! I'll be in the dorm right next to the one I stayed in last year. I've got a triple room, which means I'll have two roommates but it'll be a lot cheaper.
But I miss my roommate from last year. =( LORENAAAAAA!
And I'll have to finish this blog when I get home from work, so hopefully I get off on time.
I did not get off on time. It's midnight right now and I just walked in the door from work, so this blog is going to be late. Again.
Anyway, my grandma lives with us part of the week and she likes to watch a lot of crime dramas like Law and Order, CSI, etc. For the past few nights she's been watching a lot of Criminal Minds, which I have never watched before but am quickly becoming addicted to. It's horrifying and fascinating. I used to always want to be a forensic scientist or detective (that dream died when I realized how easily queasy I get) and crime dramas are still kind of my guilty pleasure. I'm pretty disappointed I haven't discovered this show before.
It's actually kind of distracting me from my blogging, so I think I'll go finish watching and bid you lovely people a good night.
My VEDA vlog for today includes footage of me endangering my sister's life and mine, if you're interested.
Song of the Day: Man Who Can't Be Moved- The Script (Which I've now heard several times on the radio! I still get so excited when I hear The Script on the radio. =))
I'm in a pretty good mood right now because despite having to leave for work in 3 minutes, I just got my room assignment for school! I'll be in the dorm right next to the one I stayed in last year. I've got a triple room, which means I'll have two roommates but it'll be a lot cheaper.
But I miss my roommate from last year. =( LORENAAAAAA!
And I'll have to finish this blog when I get home from work, so hopefully I get off on time.
I did not get off on time. It's midnight right now and I just walked in the door from work, so this blog is going to be late. Again.
Anyway, my grandma lives with us part of the week and she likes to watch a lot of crime dramas like Law and Order, CSI, etc. For the past few nights she's been watching a lot of Criminal Minds, which I have never watched before but am quickly becoming addicted to. It's horrifying and fascinating. I used to always want to be a forensic scientist or detective (that dream died when I realized how easily queasy I get) and crime dramas are still kind of my guilty pleasure. I'm pretty disappointed I haven't discovered this show before.
It's actually kind of distracting me from my blogging, so I think I'll go finish watching and bid you lovely people a good night.
My VEDA vlog for today includes footage of me endangering my sister's life and mine, if you're interested.
Song of the Day: Man Who Can't Be Moved- The Script (Which I've now heard several times on the radio! I still get so excited when I hear The Script on the radio. =))
Monday, August 2, 2010
Day 2: Uh Oh.
Hi guys! It's 11:28 pm. (It's now 11:43 pm.) I just got home from work at 11 and had to make my video for today, so I have about 15 minutes to write this blog. That being said, it is not going to be long. Or good. Or interesting.
Not very many interesting things happened today, except that it is the second day in a row that a drive-thru customer has given me a tip. It's a bit unusual to tip the drive-thru order/money taker, although I am certainly not complaining- I am flat broke and the tip I got yesterday bought me my lunch and saved me from not being able to afford eating during my 8 hour shift. So that's good.
Also, a woman I work with told me today that she thinks Frank Sinatra "has no singing talent."
Let's just say that I'm sure the whole restaurant heard my response to THAT one.
And my grandma is watching Family Guy right now. She is really enjoying it. Interestingly enough, it is not the most inappropriate thing we've ever caught her watching.
But that's a story for another day.
Or never.
Well, it's 11:57, so let's get this blog up while it's actually still August 2nd!
Later gators.
Song of the day: Closer- Jaylene Johnson
Not very many interesting things happened today, except that it is the second day in a row that a drive-thru customer has given me a tip. It's a bit unusual to tip the drive-thru order/money taker, although I am certainly not complaining- I am flat broke and the tip I got yesterday bought me my lunch and saved me from not being able to afford eating during my 8 hour shift. So that's good.
Also, a woman I work with told me today that she thinks Frank Sinatra "has no singing talent."
Let's just say that I'm sure the whole restaurant heard my response to THAT one.
And my grandma is watching Family Guy right now. She is really enjoying it. Interestingly enough, it is not the most inappropriate thing we've ever caught her watching.
But that's a story for another day.
Or never.
Well, it's 11:57, so let's get this blog up while it's actually still August 2nd!
Later gators.
Song of the day: Closer- Jaylene Johnson
Sunday, August 1, 2010
A Little Bit of BEDA in My Life, a Little Bit of VEDA by My Side
So, it is finally August! The birds are chirping, the temperature is rising steadily, and parents are taking their children back to school shopping. But just as importantly, BEDA/VEDA has begun!
Now, this blog is not going to be posted on the first of August, unfortunately. My decision to participate in BEDA was a very, VERY last minute one, so this will probably be posted in the wee early hours of August 2nd. But since I have not yet been to bed, I say that it still counts. Especially since I was busy selling hamburgers to strangers all day.
But now that I am here, and since this is my first blog, let me introduce myself!
My name is Nikki. I'm a colossal nerd, I read constantly, I love Harry Potter, I am a sophomore in college majoring in theatre and (possibly) minoring in film. I'm a Christian and a Nerdfighter and an aspiring Broadway star and a mild grammar nazi. I'm pretty rad, if you like that kind of thing.
I keep people updated on the exciting life of a McDonalds employee in a boring town in Michigan at
I make vlogs (and occasionally music) to document this very same excitement at
I like to take pictures. You can find them (and other various nonsense) at
I think I'm gonna make this a short post since it's my first, but expect long, rambling, nonsensical posts in the future.
Song of the Day: Dance of the Robe- Aida (Original Broadway Cast)
Now, this blog is not going to be posted on the first of August, unfortunately. My decision to participate in BEDA was a very, VERY last minute one, so this will probably be posted in the wee early hours of August 2nd. But since I have not yet been to bed, I say that it still counts. Especially since I was busy selling hamburgers to strangers all day.
But now that I am here, and since this is my first blog, let me introduce myself!
My name is Nikki. I'm a colossal nerd, I read constantly, I love Harry Potter, I am a sophomore in college majoring in theatre and (possibly) minoring in film. I'm a Christian and a Nerdfighter and an aspiring Broadway star and a mild grammar nazi. I'm pretty rad, if you like that kind of thing.
I keep people updated on the exciting life of a McDonalds employee in a boring town in Michigan at
I make vlogs (and occasionally music) to document this very same excitement at
I like to take pictures. You can find them (and other various nonsense) at
I think I'm gonna make this a short post since it's my first, but expect long, rambling, nonsensical posts in the future.
Song of the Day: Dance of the Robe- Aida (Original Broadway Cast)
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